yea i guess i'll update. not that i have much more to say. still suxs. still dont have a computer. seems like i'm on a merry go round. and i just want to get off.
but all and all things, are going well. i've just been reading more, and playing keys(piano) as much as possible. i dunno. i'm broke. i need a second job. but then i have no time. and i can't focus, or beleive in myself enough to get something indepenent off the ground so i'm stuck here.. grrrrr.. i guess i just try to have some hope that, this is just a phase i'm working through, and i'll be all the stronger when i come out from under it all. i dont know who i am. or where i'm going. i dont think i'm ever going to find someone as a companion that i can stand, and everyday i get older, i just feel that much younger and not ready to grow up. it seems like all i can really do is write music. wrote the beginnings of a few new songs the other day.
how is everyone here. seeing that picture of quinne's ass on the top of my screen really makes me miss SG. and keeping touch with everyone. i really did alot of my communication through the net. its no wonder it was tough quitting cold turkey like i had to do. i'm rambling. and i'm blessed in alot of ways. i dont know quite what else to say. i just wanted to blog something and say a "hi" of sorts
long time no see.. cross your fingers someone said they had an old computer that i could have/borrow for the time being. i hope that works out. that would be awesome. its funny, but the only pictures i have of myself now, are the ones i have on here, on sg. hehe.. i find that fucking hilarious. good thing i'm such a nympho huh. LOL. peace. take care, i'll try to write something more fun to read as this is just regualar lux talk, and not the poetic infusions i tend to lean towards.
but all and all things, are going well. i've just been reading more, and playing keys(piano) as much as possible. i dunno. i'm broke. i need a second job. but then i have no time. and i can't focus, or beleive in myself enough to get something indepenent off the ground so i'm stuck here.. grrrrr.. i guess i just try to have some hope that, this is just a phase i'm working through, and i'll be all the stronger when i come out from under it all. i dont know who i am. or where i'm going. i dont think i'm ever going to find someone as a companion that i can stand, and everyday i get older, i just feel that much younger and not ready to grow up. it seems like all i can really do is write music. wrote the beginnings of a few new songs the other day.
how is everyone here. seeing that picture of quinne's ass on the top of my screen really makes me miss SG. and keeping touch with everyone. i really did alot of my communication through the net. its no wonder it was tough quitting cold turkey like i had to do. i'm rambling. and i'm blessed in alot of ways. i dont know quite what else to say. i just wanted to blog something and say a "hi" of sorts

Nice to hear from you. I need to write more myself.
Great hearing from you.. miss chatting with you.... I am trying to get to be better to post on here some as well.