So I went to the Sg show at the Independent in Sf (15th) and it was sooo awesome that I had to sign up. I even loved both the opening bands, they got everyone dancing. We had a great time. Pretty much everyone in the crowd was getting down. Except to our left there was this tight-ass couple who kept giving anyone dirty looks who so much as stepped within 2 feet of thier "personal space". Well anyone who's been to a show should know that if you value your personal space then get the fuck away from the front! You have no business being there! People will push and bump and occasionally molest your butt cheeks. But we soon forgot about Mr. and Mrs. tight-ass and they disappeared by the end of the night. While they were probably rolling thier eyes at us we were having more fun than we'd had in a while. When the burlesque show comes back to SF we are definitely going!
After the show everyone just took off except for us and few other people so we got a bunch of pictures, some with the girls. I posted them here:
There are more on the way that I'm waiting on from someone else.
Since this is my first blog ever on this site I'm going to post a little about me.
Names: Lux, Luxi
Age: young enough to get hit on by dirty old men
Location: the Bay Area (California)
Words to Live By: "Happiness comes with the achieving of goals." -Darwin Mayflower
Fun Fact: I went to culinary school!
Favorite Thing: my ridiculously huge collection of books
Favorite Wastes of Time: LJ
Favorite Stuff: sushi, kitties, writing, fabric, comics, dancing, crochet, money, air, my camera, games, 80's culture, sweets, showing off, playing dress up, little girl dresses that fit me, makeup, San Francisco, Dr. Pepper, the list goes on & on...
If You See Me in a Bar Buy Me a: beer!
If you'd like to know more about me check out these sites:
I guess that's fine for a first blog huh?
After the show everyone just took off except for us and few other people so we got a bunch of pictures, some with the girls. I posted them here:
There are more on the way that I'm waiting on from someone else.
Since this is my first blog ever on this site I'm going to post a little about me.

Names: Lux, Luxi
Age: young enough to get hit on by dirty old men
Location: the Bay Area (California)
Words to Live By: "Happiness comes with the achieving of goals." -Darwin Mayflower
Fun Fact: I went to culinary school!
Favorite Thing: my ridiculously huge collection of books
Favorite Wastes of Time: LJ
Favorite Stuff: sushi, kitties, writing, fabric, comics, dancing, crochet, money, air, my camera, games, 80's culture, sweets, showing off, playing dress up, little girl dresses that fit me, makeup, San Francisco, Dr. Pepper, the list goes on & on...
If You See Me in a Bar Buy Me a: beer!
If you'd like to know more about me check out these sites:
I guess that's fine for a first blog huh?
HI!! Thank you so much sweetie! I have a couple of personal dance projects I am working on right now and would love to collaborate sometime...I have a show tonight so I need to get ready but I will try to write more later<3
Fuck peoples personal space. I wish I could have gone to the show, it sounded like fun. Hope all is well for you.