A beautiful piece of spoken word to music by Billy Bragg
Seeing as it's audio only, here's another from the master, Jack Karouac
Raindrops Talking (Lux, 1972)
The rain tells me things I don't want to hear
about people living in constant fear
Each drop is talking, they all start to shout
and I don't understand what it's all about
The shouting gets louder and turns to a scream
then I start to realise it's the same old dream
It's not quite true and not really right
that the sun should shine all through the night
Stars don't twinkle, they only appear
between dark clouds that cause the fear
and turn into rain when I'm out walking
.... that's when I hear the raindrops talking
A Dream Called Hillary
In my early 20s, in the days when the earth was still young, I had a very vivid and realistic dream. In this dream I met my lifelong partner, her name was Hillary but as hard as I tried, I could remember nothing of her face. I had only ever known one Hillary and there was no way she was the one, so the search started. I dated a very attractive girl called Vali, (a name that would become very important in my life later on when I discovered the inspiring art of Vali Myers) but we really had nothing in common, she did however have a younger sister Hillary so I had to keep dating her until I met said sister; like Vali she preferred classical music and ballet to blues and art-house cinema, plus she was still at school and the family gene pool had not been as kind to her physical features as it had been to Vali. The search continued and a few years later I became quite besotted by a waitress in a bistro and I became a semi-regular as I tried hard to pluck up the courage to ask her for a date, I hadn't picked up her name at this stage but then another waitress spoke to her calling her Hillary right at that very point in time when I was destined to knock my drink over. Total embarrassment reigned as the partner who had been chosen for me by the Dreamcaster cleaned up my mess as I stuttered and stammered a feeble apology. Worse was to come. Two men in taylored suits walked in, Hillary walked up to them, threw her arms around the neck of one of them and kissed him lovingly on the lips, he turned around to be shown to his seat and I wanted to die when I saw that it was Henry Bossong. Henry had been in a few of my engineering classes at university but we weren't in the same social circles, I was one of the cool kids (no - not like Keith) and Henry was nothing but a nerd who studied all the time; so I dropped out of uni and Henry got the civil engineering degree and the lady of my dreams.
LESSON ONE: Cool kids win the good chics for a few years but the nerdies get to keep them in the end.
That dream still comes to mind two or three times a year, I have never had a dream before or since that was so vivid. So a few days ago I logged on to my email and there was one from Hillary Mason (yes, Mason is my surname), well I can't begin to tell you how much it loosened my bowels! It was from one of those bloggers who use a random generator of first and family names to get past junk mail filters and who seem to know I do not have a penis of monstrous proportions, but the damage had been done. My depression was on a downward spiral at the time and that was enough to finish me off for 3 or 4 days. There is no doubt that I will be using it as a funny story in years to come, but not just yet.
Other than that, life has been pretty much "same ol' same ol" for Lux.
Seeing as it's audio only, here's another from the master, Jack Karouac
Raindrops Talking (Lux, 1972)
The rain tells me things I don't want to hear
about people living in constant fear
Each drop is talking, they all start to shout
and I don't understand what it's all about
The shouting gets louder and turns to a scream
then I start to realise it's the same old dream
It's not quite true and not really right
that the sun should shine all through the night
Stars don't twinkle, they only appear
between dark clouds that cause the fear
and turn into rain when I'm out walking
.... that's when I hear the raindrops talking
A Dream Called Hillary
In my early 20s, in the days when the earth was still young, I had a very vivid and realistic dream. In this dream I met my lifelong partner, her name was Hillary but as hard as I tried, I could remember nothing of her face. I had only ever known one Hillary and there was no way she was the one, so the search started. I dated a very attractive girl called Vali, (a name that would become very important in my life later on when I discovered the inspiring art of Vali Myers) but we really had nothing in common, she did however have a younger sister Hillary so I had to keep dating her until I met said sister; like Vali she preferred classical music and ballet to blues and art-house cinema, plus she was still at school and the family gene pool had not been as kind to her physical features as it had been to Vali. The search continued and a few years later I became quite besotted by a waitress in a bistro and I became a semi-regular as I tried hard to pluck up the courage to ask her for a date, I hadn't picked up her name at this stage but then another waitress spoke to her calling her Hillary right at that very point in time when I was destined to knock my drink over. Total embarrassment reigned as the partner who had been chosen for me by the Dreamcaster cleaned up my mess as I stuttered and stammered a feeble apology. Worse was to come. Two men in taylored suits walked in, Hillary walked up to them, threw her arms around the neck of one of them and kissed him lovingly on the lips, he turned around to be shown to his seat and I wanted to die when I saw that it was Henry Bossong. Henry had been in a few of my engineering classes at university but we weren't in the same social circles, I was one of the cool kids (no - not like Keith) and Henry was nothing but a nerd who studied all the time; so I dropped out of uni and Henry got the civil engineering degree and the lady of my dreams.
LESSON ONE: Cool kids win the good chics for a few years but the nerdies get to keep them in the end.
That dream still comes to mind two or three times a year, I have never had a dream before or since that was so vivid. So a few days ago I logged on to my email and there was one from Hillary Mason (yes, Mason is my surname), well I can't begin to tell you how much it loosened my bowels! It was from one of those bloggers who use a random generator of first and family names to get past junk mail filters and who seem to know I do not have a penis of monstrous proportions, but the damage had been done. My depression was on a downward spiral at the time and that was enough to finish me off for 3 or 4 days. There is no doubt that I will be using it as a funny story in years to come, but not just yet.
Other than that, life has been pretty much "same ol' same ol" for Lux.
Thanks so much hun! I'm doing a lot better how are you doing?!
I'm pretty late to answer, but I wanted to say thank you so much for your comment on my set Sorceress ! I'm glad you enjoy