what a fantastic past few days!
grand opening of my beloved umeboshi was phenomenal! amazing turnout, and so much fun, still basking in the afterglow.
hallow's eve is rapidly approaching, and i'm ashamed to say i have put no real thought into costume or what to do. boo. however, we're going on the haunted trolley tour to quench my thirst for ghost stories & local haunts. hurrah hooray
and being the proud nerd i am - there is a buffy sing-a-long plus a screening of hush on thursday night, complete w/ fangs, lighters, bubbles & dancing bunnies. holy shit,i am so in.
grand opening of my beloved umeboshi was phenomenal! amazing turnout, and so much fun, still basking in the afterglow.
hallow's eve is rapidly approaching, and i'm ashamed to say i have put no real thought into costume or what to do. boo. however, we're going on the haunted trolley tour to quench my thirst for ghost stories & local haunts. hurrah hooray
and being the proud nerd i am - there is a buffy sing-a-long plus a screening of hush on thursday night, complete w/ fangs, lighters, bubbles & dancing bunnies. holy shit,i am so in.

awwwe, thank you