I was inspired by writing homework haha!I hope you appreciate my thoughts!<3
In recent days, I am more convinced that, unfortunately, nothing happens, everything happens happily :)
all the ups and downs, good luck and failure are very conditional and just happened for good reason)
I do not know whether spring or the sun influence me so much, but such confidence is in it. that everything will be fine, even the understanding that everything is already well in general.
no need to be where it is bad, no need to be with those with whom it is bad, no need to endure, do not be afraid to defend themselves, they are not afraid to attack!
in the end we live for pleasure! so far, all that is capable of bringing me into apathy is inaction and lying at home on the couch, but when I do not let myself get bored and invent new things, I develop, I am interested, run and even late, I live and the wings appear! I wish everyone to catch this wave and recommend not to waste energy on people who are trying to turn your soul! Do not waste your strength on the matter that you are not interested! I strongly recommend leaving today bad thoughts at home, walking, dancing and enjoying the spring!

This perspective you've shared is one that many people would benefit from hearing. We spend so much energy lamenting what was good before and fretting for what could be good tomorrow, that we forget that today exists. Love and joy expressed today will echo into the future, and we will all be better from it!

"good thoughts, good words, good deeds..."