The time has come, finally...I once again am working for the man. I have worked in film for quite some time, and yet it was not paying off. I will admit, I miss it, more so than I thought I would. It's time though, it's time to move on accordingly. I still am doing FX on the side, but I still get people wanting to work on projects, which is always a great feeling. Then again, I need a stable job...indeed. I can't wait, never the less I couldn't. It's unfortunate, but I had too. I am hoping things work out in the long run, because I think this may be my chance to expand my abilities in the working environment. Yet, time will only tell, won't it? On the same hand it's alittle more difficult to do things, like I want to do, but I guess that's adult life hahaha. It's a lot to take in, and a lot to learn, but that's what time is for.