I love the answers I got for my last blog. fantastic!
I love that you guy seem to know exactly what you want
Birthday in 10 days and the presents ahve started coming in. Some from my wishlist off here but I have no idea who they are coming from! EEK! Anyone want to claim responsibilty.
I love that you guy seem to know exactly what you want

Birthday in 10 days and the presents ahve started coming in. Some from my wishlist off here but I have no idea who they are coming from! EEK! Anyone want to claim responsibilty.
Just curious.
Not saying I got ya anything.
They didn't give the option to gift rap or send a card though.
Was kinda hoping that there would be something in there to let you know who it came from.
Oh well, at least it got there before your b-day. They put the delivery date down as anywhere between 5/7 to 5/24.
Basically a "it'll be there sometime this month" delivery.