I has long tongue.
Another pic from Valentines Day.
For those of you who dont know this is what a westcoat sunset looks like.
This was actually the view out of my back door when i lived in PB.
And here is a few of my recent pictures i've taken. Having lived 10 minutes from the mexican border i have been fascinated with the absolute beautiful of winter. The calm that comes over everything when it snows, the soft crunching noise it makes beneath my feet, the way the sqiorrels hop around in it. I love the winter snowfall.
And here are a few older pictures I've taken.
That's my mommy. She has the most beautiful blue eyes.
Finally this is my wedding ring. Or it was supposed to be. It was the first diamond ring my grandfather ever bought for my grandmother. I went out one day to take this picture, meaning for it to look like someone had abandoned a proposal. Incidently this turned out to be a foreshadowing of my engagement lol.
I really can't wait to get out to Philly and New York these coming months. I haven't been very inspired to take pictures since i moved out here and im hoping a change of sceneary can help that.
And I'll try and think up something more intresting next time. Promise!