Yesterday my brother and his girlfriend and lil girl came over to the house. He has recently purchased a small lot across the raod from where i live.. *oh the stress of it* So anyway he left his girlfriend and daughter here while he went to cut grass and such.. She and I had a great conversation but she has decided that she will never leave my brother because it was to hard to make it on her own with her daughter... n that she wanted them to always be as close as they are now..(coughs..she's crazy..coughs) talked about what a wonderful Dad he was..ect ect We grilled on the grill and the kids played on the water slide.. it was a good day..
This morning I get up.. walk to the ladiesroom half asleep in my purple silk jammies.. brush muh teeth and other morning tasks.. grabed a glass and fixed a glass of tea and a health bar... walk out on the porch to sit in the swing to watch my hummingbirds..... and droped everything in my hands when I see this HUGE oak tree has fell in my backyeard... not even a foot away from where i parked my jeep.. Thank goodness my jeep didn't even get a scratch!
I got a call from my dad today... he is back at the hospital so I will be making a trip there today... tired of hospitals!!!
Anyways.. i'm in good spirits.. Hope it only gets better!! hugz n smooches to all!!
This morning I get up.. walk to the ladiesroom half asleep in my purple silk jammies.. brush muh teeth and other morning tasks.. grabed a glass and fixed a glass of tea and a health bar... walk out on the porch to sit in the swing to watch my hummingbirds..... and droped everything in my hands when I see this HUGE oak tree has fell in my backyeard... not even a foot away from where i parked my jeep.. Thank goodness my jeep didn't even get a scratch!
I got a call from my dad today... he is back at the hospital so I will be making a trip there today... tired of hospitals!!!
Anyways.. i'm in good spirits.. Hope it only gets better!! hugz n smooches to all!!
i'm soo glad that the tree missed yer jeep honey!
hope everything goes better next days honey
personal relationships are so strange sometimes, aren't they?? and when love is (or has been) involved, it turns even stranger... well, that's her choice!!