well the wake was tonight.. she looked so beautiful..
My Aunts picked out this peach colored dress.. n I'm not really into peach.. but it was for sure her color.. I didn't cry like I thought I would.. I felt at peace...
The damn shoes I borrowed is what is making me wonna cry!
I don't like heels... Don't get me wrong I love shoes.. you can tell by my unlimited supply... but I can't do heels... I have blisters and my knees hurt..bleh
I got to see family I haven't seen in years.. I hate that it was that situation that had to bring us together but... it was nice..
Today was the first day of hurricain season.
They say it is gonna be worse this year than it was last year..
N last year was pretty damn bad. So.. gonna have to start buying stuff lil at a time so I am prepared.. Last few years we went to the Resque Squad n stayed there.. but since we have moved and we are in a more stable home... We will probably stay here.. I hope they do a better job of getting people prepared for them this year.. last year was a mess..
o0o! Big Brother all starz! I am a reality tv junkie.. I know it's sad..lol Ivette last year.. omg she is so damn hot.. I know I know.. she has a mouth on her.. BUT thas what I like about her!!! but ya get to vote who you want to back into the house this year.. n no way I missing it ..
I think I have a thing for gay guys.. cause I LOVE Bunky.. n Will .. n Marcelis (<prolly spelled that wrong) ok imma shut up about that now..laffin
so anyway.. not gonna bore ya with anymore babble... going to bed it has been a long day... lixxx n smooches
My Aunts picked out this peach colored dress.. n I'm not really into peach.. but it was for sure her color.. I didn't cry like I thought I would.. I felt at peace...
The damn shoes I borrowed is what is making me wonna cry!
I don't like heels... Don't get me wrong I love shoes.. you can tell by my unlimited supply... but I can't do heels... I have blisters and my knees hurt..bleh
I got to see family I haven't seen in years.. I hate that it was that situation that had to bring us together but... it was nice..
Today was the first day of hurricain season.

N last year was pretty damn bad. So.. gonna have to start buying stuff lil at a time so I am prepared.. Last few years we went to the Resque Squad n stayed there.. but since we have moved and we are in a more stable home... We will probably stay here.. I hope they do a better job of getting people prepared for them this year.. last year was a mess..
o0o! Big Brother all starz! I am a reality tv junkie.. I know it's sad..lol Ivette last year.. omg she is so damn hot.. I know I know.. she has a mouth on her.. BUT thas what I like about her!!! but ya get to vote who you want to back into the house this year.. n no way I missing it ..
I think I have a thing for gay guys.. cause I LOVE Bunky.. n Will .. n Marcelis (<prolly spelled that wrong) ok imma shut up about that now..laffin
so anyway.. not gonna bore ya with anymore babble... going to bed it has been a long day... lixxx n smooches
and i really hope fer yer sake that the weather there is not as bad as last year!