Just when I think I don't have anything, when I convince myself it was just all in my head, that I can go on without having this stupid frantic mood swings and that I can be content, that all I was going through was just the shock of moving to a new city and having my friends far away and getting over this stupid took nothing, literally nothing, nothing had to happen for me to go from calm, to angry, to suicidally depressed, to angry again...FUCK!!
Just when I think I don't have anything, when I convince myself it was just all in my head, that I can go on without having this stupid frantic mood swings and that I can be content, that all I was going through was just the shock of moving to a new city and having my friends far away and getting over this stupid took nothing, literally nothing, nothing had to happen for me to go from calm, to angry, to suicidally depressed, to angry again...FUCK!!
And evidently we are still floating in the same boat...and niether one of us is rowing..Cause I was in denial all last week..after blowing up on both my kids..and threating to kick my hubbie out!! I had obviously lost my GD mind!! OR.. maybe my mind is playing tricks on me?!! Either way it is all in our head..and we need to get it OUT!!
Take care my friend..go for a long walk ,,and take a hot bath!! You are in my thoughts always