Gobble gobble gone!
Thanksgiving is over and the family visiting is begining. I can't wait for snow to arrive. I really do miss all the blizzards that are back home in Wisconsin. Nothing can beat walking the dog at 10 pm during a snow storm in 15 degree weather! I really do love it.
School is going good. I have to really sit down and focus I want to get out of here on time.. no delays.
Still haven't tooken a picture of my new hair cute I need to I love it!!!
Went to the Anime USA Convation in Crystal City ~~Had a total blast went with my boyfriend met up with a follow class mate, also new people and there was the amazing game ROCK BAND!!! Oh it was cool. (I was too scared to do it but my boyfriend had no fear.
OH I almost forgot I did this for the lovely Tempest:

Thanksgiving is over and the family visiting is begining. I can't wait for snow to arrive. I really do miss all the blizzards that are back home in Wisconsin. Nothing can beat walking the dog at 10 pm during a snow storm in 15 degree weather! I really do love it.
School is going good. I have to really sit down and focus I want to get out of here on time.. no delays.

Still haven't tooken a picture of my new hair cute I need to I love it!!!
Went to the Anime USA Convation in Crystal City ~~Had a total blast went with my boyfriend met up with a follow class mate, also new people and there was the amazing game ROCK BAND!!! Oh it was cool. (I was too scared to do it but my boyfriend had no fear.

OH I almost forgot I did this for the lovely Tempest:

ok, i'm assuming (hoping) it was steamy, but i don't really know! hehe
i got new bras! ZOMG i spent so much money.... lol why do bras have to cost so freaking much?! its like, they are there for support. why should we pay out of our asses for SUPPORT?!
ok rant done. i love you darling
xoxoxo <3