So the camping was awsome! I still think about it!
I need to use up 3 photos so that I can get those photos developed... ugh.. haha
But anyway I think its time for a little update:
1- I'm about to end my term of school which is nice i get a weekend without any work.
2.-My Best Friend from back home is coming down here to visit me! I love this girl! She is my closet friend and awesome!
3. Still need to find a photographer to do an SG set.
4. need more work hours.. 20 so I can get health care.
Mostly important: I'm happy, I haven't been this happy in a long time. Didn't think I could actaully. Glad to be with the guy I'm with, he makes me smile.

But anyway I think its time for a little update:
1- I'm about to end my term of school which is nice i get a weekend without any work.

2.-My Best Friend from back home is coming down here to visit me! I love this girl! She is my closet friend and awesome!
3. Still need to find a photographer to do an SG set.
4. need more work hours.. 20 so I can get health care.
Mostly important: I'm happy, I haven't been this happy in a long time. Didn't think I could actaully. Glad to be with the guy I'm with, he makes me smile.

yeah i didnt make it out there last night either lol bryan ended up coming over and we cuddled all night but im here now! ill shoot you a text to see where you are at, kisses
i lovehentai