Man this year is just too much! Don't get me wrong I am still very happy with my life but I just can't believe all the shit that is going on these days. My job cut my hours big time
. So now I am forced to travel for work and take jobs that keep me away for weeks or even months at a time. The work pays well and I get to do some feature film work witch I love. However I really don't like traveling anymore I miss my wife and daughter when I am on the road. Not to mention the fact that I have to go so long with out getting laid
. Although coming back home after being gone for a while lets just say my wife is very excited to see me
. Anyway I just hope things get better at my company so I can continue making the money I am use to and not have to be traveling all over the globe.

im auditioning tonight at 8 i dont know if im working for the night or not but i mighgt work fri night too if they let me. but i dance under the name of peyton. so just call the club friday to see if im on schedule and then you will know for sure
thanks for the pic comment!