Happy New year people. Well this is the first post of the new year and I must say this year is already starting out great. I ended last year with some money troubles and that was not so good. My wife and I made a promise to each other when we were dating and decided to move in together. "No matter how bad it may get no arguing about money!" We both work she is a Teacher & I work for an independent production company as a Production Manager. I also freelance as a Camera Operator, Gaffer, & Jib Crane operator & I do pretty well. Some years are better that others and for the most part I am the main money maker witch to tell the truth I like. It must be a "Machismo thing" but I like paying all the bills and still be able to give my Lady some extra cash and say go to a spa or go shopping and buy yourself something pretty.
So back in 2005 I forgot to include one of my major clients in my taxes and I made thousands of dollars from this guy. So just before December I got a love letter from the IRS and I owed a shit ton of money to them in penalties and back taxes
. Luckily I have a friend that knows a lot about tax law and she helped me sort everything out I still had to pay a lot of money but she got like 90% of the penalties waved
. So that was good but I was still pretty much wiped out on cash during Christmas what a time to be broke right. So my wife had to take up the slack and pay bills and buy food pretty much everything I take care of she had to. At one point she said to me "I had no idea how much money you spent on all that stuff." and that's because I don't like to complain about money. She got on my case a few times about being broke and it did bother me but she apologized so it was cool in the end.
So we start off the new year kinda broke but happy to have each other and out little baby girl. And then last week we got a call from her mother and found out her step Grandmother passed away they were not very close but My wife was very close to her Grandpa. So Her Grandpa's estate was now open to the terms of the will and she got a very LARGE inheritance
. So as of now we have no money problems whatsoever. Student loans paid off. Cars paid off. An we didn't have very much Credit Card dept but that's gone now too. And with my savings and investments and her inheritance we are very close to buying a house in San Francisco. So 2009 is off to a very good start.
Hope everyone else is doing well & Happy 2009.
So back in 2005 I forgot to include one of my major clients in my taxes and I made thousands of dollars from this guy. So just before December I got a love letter from the IRS and I owed a shit ton of money to them in penalties and back taxes

So we start off the new year kinda broke but happy to have each other and out little baby girl. And then last week we got a call from her mother and found out her step Grandmother passed away they were not very close but My wife was very close to her Grandpa. So Her Grandpa's estate was now open to the terms of the will and she got a very LARGE inheritance

Hope everyone else is doing well & Happy 2009.

Thank you for the wesome comment you left on my new set! I really appreciate it and every comment helps!