Hello. How is everyone? It was my birthday yesterday (32 already, crazy I know) so I spent the day chilling, I had a yoga class followed by meal with family.
I started the gym a couple of months back. I try and use the gym a couple of times a week plus I have been doing yoga classes weekly and boxercise/intense training weekly all these classes I’m loving but they are so different. I’m finding it is really helping my physical and mental health. That’s properly the only healthy improvement for me this year. But I’m hoping it’s the start of more. Have you started anything new this year?
I’m also colouring my hair green this weekend. That could go either way, if it’s good expect updates 😏
Also would like to thank everyone that has stopped by my new set by @tripodski and gave it some love!! I’ve had 2 set out this year after a big gap. And more to come in the new year. Here is the link if you missed it