Just a little blog update. Firstly im eagerly awaiting mine and Gemma set to feature on the front page. I was so excited this set was selected as i love it soo much and gemmas work is the bomb! The location was so posh & pretty even if we was only there to shoot felt very grand! Ohlalaa! Really massive thanks for all the comments and support.
I have another set called ‘dirty blues’ by @lavezzaro going into MR next year and just wanted to share a preview or 2, I'm in love with these images! comes out in around 4 month. So there will be more of my naked ass about soon. This set has a completely different feel/look to my last set. hope you all enjoy as much as i did. and it has my current hair colour (pretty much)!
In other news, was my sons birthday last week just before halloween. Got him lego starwars and we spent days building and playing with it- is it bad to buy your children the toys you want??? I tell myself not! <3 im also taking some much deserved time off after spending months living/working in my studio getting ready for my solo exhibition on November 22nd. So glad the hard work is finally done, might get my social life back on track.. whats them again??
So yeah life is pretty good right now.
(my work before getting glazed)