Have a very happy All Hallow's Eve, my little Halloweenies!

I will be sure to have a drunken, molestin' rampage in another country for you!
So, about last week...that metal-filled, booze-fueled, moshin', magical mystery tour:
First we saw 3 inches of Blood, and the Saviours @ Call the Office on Tuesday

I bought a gnarly 3 Inches scarf, and some vinyl to play on Archie's record player
Saviours were rad, love these dudes!

On Thursday we saw High on Fire, and Converge @ the London Music Hall

Matt Pike 


Jacob Bannon & Axe to Fall 

All the pictures I took of them looked like strange transient soul warping...

Worms will feed (cut off at the end, cause my camera crapped out

After the show we went for beers @ The Poacher's Arms, and lo and behold, High on Fire walks in the door!
We had the awesome opportunity to drink within 5 feet of these guys all night!
I did a crazy power-slide down a 20ft railing landing with the double fist pump-high-kick combo infront of everyone, it was tight.
I also, finally, had the opportunity to shake hands, and meet eye to eye with Matt Pike.
(between you and I, I was staring at him like a perv all night, and he seemed to reciprocate)
Just as soon as we got to talking, Dane busted in and cock-blocked Matt Pike
What a guy! He'll never live it down...COME BACK MATT PIIIIIIKE!
O.K. back to the chain of events...
Friday was High on Fire, Converge, Mastodon, and Dethklok in Toronto.
An amazing performance by all involved, I do not have any pictures, for I was in the pit the entire time smashing people in the face with my 10lbs of raspy hair.
P.S. last Friday was Archie's birthday! and when they played the birthday/Deathday song I went fucking wild.
Mastodon was incredible, they put on quite a show. I was crowd surfing, and at one point and lost my favorite bandanna, and one of my wooden curl earrings! Somehow, 2 mosh-pits later, some dude came up to me having found my beloved earring! I jumped right onto him, legs in the air, and all.
We got a room in Toronto, and stayed the night.
Saturday was our annual Hallowe'en party, I had a fabulous idea for a costume, it had been brewing in my mind for almost 1 year. But you'll just have to wait and see after this week-end's party in Columbus!
Archie, Dane, and I drank, and danced until 3:33am!
Sunday was GWAR, and Lamb of God @ the John Labatt Centre.

They ripped the face off of Obama again!

There was a dude in the pit the whole time that was in a wheel chair, he was right in there smashing people, getting knocked over, poppin' wheelies....it was great, we definitely high-fived after LoG.
LoG even gave a shout out to him after the show!

My neck was in severe pain at this point, but I couldn't help but go crazy in the pit for Lamb of God.
The music just compels me to move...and by move, I mean stomp around in exposed steel toe boots and a wife beater, headbanging, kicking people, jumping headlong into crowds, pushing people standing on the outskirts into the middle of the pit, running in circles, and shrieking like a banshee whilst while doing the "metal claw hand" do you feel me?

They did "the Wall" which, for those of you that do not know, is everyone lining up on either side of the pit, and then, at the band's cue, running headlong into eachother from opposite sides!
Quite the crowd-bonding experience! I then circled around and high-jumped onto 5 people trying hide out of the way
After the show my neck was severely damaged, and I was nauseous from the pain for days...for the first time in my life, a string of metal shows has me feeling like an old granny with a bum neck...here I am 5 days later, still cringing from the pain, and complaining every 10 minutes to my co-workers.
On a happier note, Archie and I threw on Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and carved pumpkins!

My pumpkin's name is McDeath (bottom)

Spooky dobies! Poor Gage and his cone~town

Dane tattooed the side of Archie's head the other day!!!
cut them shits off!


So jealous! Makes me want to tattoo my head! Well, I am, but not for a while...whenever I decide to cut my dreads off, get lice, or set on fire...it'll happen!
And, oh yes, it will be all encompassing.
Time for a nappy...

we celebrated the day after when Archie didn't have a huge pad on her head.

I miss my Tita!!! Come Baaaaack!

Go give her some lovin' on her, and Cherry's, fabulous set in MR right now!
West Coast

It is just so beautiful, and dreamlike, this just needs to go live! And by the power of Odin it will!
My doggies are swell, and rowdy, as per usual...

Here's a day in the life of Miss LuLu!

I found a dog sitter for Hallowe'en!!
SCORE!!!! This means we are all clear for C-bus tomorrow!!!
I cannot wait to see all of my good friends! Squee!
We will be leaving after, you guessed it, another metal show!!! Tonight in St.Thomas...
I never learn...but C'mon it's BAPTIZED IN BLOOD!!!
Well that's about it, I'm out!
Rock the fuck on people, rock the fuck on.

I will be sure to have a drunken, molestin' rampage in another country for you!

So, about last week...that metal-filled, booze-fueled, moshin', magical mystery tour:
First we saw 3 inches of Blood, and the Saviours @ Call the Office on Tuesday

I bought a gnarly 3 Inches scarf, and some vinyl to play on Archie's record player

Saviours were rad, love these dudes!

On Thursday we saw High on Fire, and Converge @ the London Music Hall


All the pictures I took of them looked like strange transient soul warping...

Worms will feed (cut off at the end, cause my camera crapped out

After the show we went for beers @ The Poacher's Arms, and lo and behold, High on Fire walks in the door!
We had the awesome opportunity to drink within 5 feet of these guys all night!
I did a crazy power-slide down a 20ft railing landing with the double fist pump-high-kick combo infront of everyone, it was tight.
I also, finally, had the opportunity to shake hands, and meet eye to eye with Matt Pike.
(between you and I, I was staring at him like a perv all night, and he seemed to reciprocate)
Just as soon as we got to talking, Dane busted in and cock-blocked Matt Pike

What a guy! He'll never live it down...COME BACK MATT PIIIIIIKE!
O.K. back to the chain of events...
Friday was High on Fire, Converge, Mastodon, and Dethklok in Toronto.
An amazing performance by all involved, I do not have any pictures, for I was in the pit the entire time smashing people in the face with my 10lbs of raspy hair.
P.S. last Friday was Archie's birthday! and when they played the birthday/Deathday song I went fucking wild.
Mastodon was incredible, they put on quite a show. I was crowd surfing, and at one point and lost my favorite bandanna, and one of my wooden curl earrings! Somehow, 2 mosh-pits later, some dude came up to me having found my beloved earring! I jumped right onto him, legs in the air, and all.
We got a room in Toronto, and stayed the night.
Saturday was our annual Hallowe'en party, I had a fabulous idea for a costume, it had been brewing in my mind for almost 1 year. But you'll just have to wait and see after this week-end's party in Columbus!
Archie, Dane, and I drank, and danced until 3:33am!
Sunday was GWAR, and Lamb of God @ the John Labatt Centre.

They ripped the face off of Obama again!

There was a dude in the pit the whole time that was in a wheel chair, he was right in there smashing people, getting knocked over, poppin' wheelies....it was great, we definitely high-fived after LoG.
LoG even gave a shout out to him after the show!

My neck was in severe pain at this point, but I couldn't help but go crazy in the pit for Lamb of God.
The music just compels me to move...and by move, I mean stomp around in exposed steel toe boots and a wife beater, headbanging, kicking people, jumping headlong into crowds, pushing people standing on the outskirts into the middle of the pit, running in circles, and shrieking like a banshee whilst while doing the "metal claw hand" do you feel me?

They did "the Wall" which, for those of you that do not know, is everyone lining up on either side of the pit, and then, at the band's cue, running headlong into eachother from opposite sides!
Quite the crowd-bonding experience! I then circled around and high-jumped onto 5 people trying hide out of the way

After the show my neck was severely damaged, and I was nauseous from the pain for days...for the first time in my life, a string of metal shows has me feeling like an old granny with a bum neck...here I am 5 days later, still cringing from the pain, and complaining every 10 minutes to my co-workers.
On a happier note, Archie and I threw on Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and carved pumpkins!

My pumpkin's name is McDeath (bottom)

Spooky dobies! Poor Gage and his cone~town

Dane tattooed the side of Archie's head the other day!!!
cut them shits off!


So jealous! Makes me want to tattoo my head! Well, I am, but not for a while...whenever I decide to cut my dreads off, get lice, or set on fire...it'll happen!
And, oh yes, it will be all encompassing.
Time for a nappy...

we celebrated the day after when Archie didn't have a huge pad on her head.

I miss my Tita!!! Come Baaaaack!

Go give her some lovin' on her, and Cherry's, fabulous set in MR right now!
West Coast

It is just so beautiful, and dreamlike, this just needs to go live! And by the power of Odin it will!
My doggies are swell, and rowdy, as per usual...

Here's a day in the life of Miss LuLu!

I found a dog sitter for Hallowe'en!!
SCORE!!!! This means we are all clear for C-bus tomorrow!!!
I cannot wait to see all of my good friends! Squee!
We will be leaving after, you guessed it, another metal show!!! Tonight in St.Thomas...
I never learn...but C'mon it's BAPTIZED IN BLOOD!!!
Well that's about it, I'm out!
Rock the fuck on people, rock the fuck on.
LOVE the new set... makes me hungry for corn... hmmm...