O.K. SG~land time to redeem myself!
I have salvaged some photos from the last few months!
So, FanExpo in Toronto!

Agy, Dixon, Renna, and myself.
It was insane this year! I was so busy, I hardly got to take photos!!

Did you see those pit-stains? Holy fuck, I'm classy...


Archie's gone mad!!

Agy pokin' a mangled lady...

Dixon and I getting cozy with a creep...

And the guest of Honor was Bruce Campbell
I got to meet him for the 2nd time!

This one is my fav

Renna and I were perving beside Bruce for so long, he looked over and said " What are you ladies doing over there?" to which we replied, "Nuthin" coyly twisting our feet and giggling...
He then looked over a moment later, smiling devilishly, "I'm going to have to call Security on you ladies"
Then we got all hot, and bothered....our faces went bright red, and I literally had to fan myself for 5 minutes...it was classic swooning to a T.
One of the fucking best memories of my freaking LIFE!
After this of course:

The after parties were great, we were the hottest ladies around...
We got to hang out with Udo Kier at the first one:

This man is awe-inspiring...
Right as he was supposed to announce the winner of the costume party, he walks up to the mic:
"Alright!!, the winner tonight is.....Jagermeister!!!!!!!!"
He slams a HUGE glass of it, and the crowd goes wild!
Too. Fucking. Right.
Silly hat party!!! WOOOOO!
I cut a hole in my luchadore mask so I could wear it again!

We definitely need to have more of these!
My 1st time flying! I was nervous for take off, but then I was totally fine...
I was the only person on both flights to get searched though
1st time: body scan
2nd time: disgruntled woman going through my dreads

I went up extra days this time, and I was still so busy I hardly took enough photos!
You'll have to depend on the talented AlissaBrunelli for the real deal!
Oh, how I wish I was there right now...

We gave out awards, as always...I look giant here!...who am I kidding, I am an Amazon..

And, as always, we end up in a big sexy girl pile!!
Don't lie, you want to be in the middle of this lovin'...

Can you believe Pistolita just had a baby?!? She was jacked!

My favorite tattoo of the convention
...and a nice bum too...~cough~

A sweet play-corset piercing:

Dane did Art Fusion again...

Roller derby girls did Foxy~boxing!!
The lovely Cookie, Steve Haworth's lady, preformed a suspension for the Hellions...

Hell City went by too fast, I miss all my ladies!

P.S-Who the fuck needs to sit around a fire in PHOENIX, AZ?!?!

Oh yeah! I have 5 Rubber Boy videos!!! I'll have to add that next blog, or Hell, maybe I'll edit them in laters!
Random nudity!!! Wooo!

My doberman Gage had an infection that was really, really bad on his leg while we were away in Arizona!
Thank Odin Archie was there to look after him!!!
Here's him in re-coup with his neck brace, chewing on his favorite defiled Frisbee..

And on a sad note, my sweet boy Charlie died last night
R.I.P. handsome little man...you had a good life.

Well, I'm off!
I'm going to explode!

I have salvaged some photos from the last few months!
So, FanExpo in Toronto!

Agy, Dixon, Renna, and myself.
It was insane this year! I was so busy, I hardly got to take photos!!

Did you see those pit-stains? Holy fuck, I'm classy...


Archie's gone mad!!

Agy pokin' a mangled lady...

Dixon and I getting cozy with a creep...

And the guest of Honor was Bruce Campbell

I got to meet him for the 2nd time!

This one is my fav

Renna and I were perving beside Bruce for so long, he looked over and said " What are you ladies doing over there?" to which we replied, "Nuthin" coyly twisting our feet and giggling...
He then looked over a moment later, smiling devilishly, "I'm going to have to call Security on you ladies"
Then we got all hot, and bothered....our faces went bright red, and I literally had to fan myself for 5 minutes...it was classic swooning to a T.
One of the fucking best memories of my freaking LIFE!
After this of course:

The after parties were great, we were the hottest ladies around...
We got to hang out with Udo Kier at the first one:

This man is awe-inspiring...
Right as he was supposed to announce the winner of the costume party, he walks up to the mic:
"Alright!!, the winner tonight is.....Jagermeister!!!!!!!!"
He slams a HUGE glass of it, and the crowd goes wild!
Too. Fucking. Right.
Silly hat party!!! WOOOOO!
I cut a hole in my luchadore mask so I could wear it again!

We definitely need to have more of these!
My 1st time flying! I was nervous for take off, but then I was totally fine...
I was the only person on both flights to get searched though

1st time: body scan
2nd time: disgruntled woman going through my dreads

I went up extra days this time, and I was still so busy I hardly took enough photos!
You'll have to depend on the talented AlissaBrunelli for the real deal!
Oh, how I wish I was there right now...

We gave out awards, as always...I look giant here!...who am I kidding, I am an Amazon..

And, as always, we end up in a big sexy girl pile!!
Don't lie, you want to be in the middle of this lovin'...

Can you believe Pistolita just had a baby?!? She was jacked!

My favorite tattoo of the convention

A sweet play-corset piercing:

Dane did Art Fusion again...

Roller derby girls did Foxy~boxing!!
The lovely Cookie, Steve Haworth's lady, preformed a suspension for the Hellions...

Hell City went by too fast, I miss all my ladies!

P.S-Who the fuck needs to sit around a fire in PHOENIX, AZ?!?!

Oh yeah! I have 5 Rubber Boy videos!!! I'll have to add that next blog, or Hell, maybe I'll edit them in laters!
Random nudity!!! Wooo!

My doberman Gage had an infection that was really, really bad on his leg while we were away in Arizona!
Thank Odin Archie was there to look after him!!!
Here's him in re-coup with his neck brace, chewing on his favorite defiled Frisbee..

And on a sad note, my sweet boy Charlie died last night

R.I.P. handsome little man...you had a good life.

Well, I'm off!
I'm going to explode!

Your photos make me smile. Those masks are the shit.