Oh, happy week!
My ancient Labrador, Samantha, made it through her epic surgery. I've never been as terribly worried as I was Wednesday, but it was do or die....twiddling my thumbs in that waiting room, thinking about our long 12 years together.
I had heart palpitations, butterflys, the whole bit.
But everything came up Milhouse, and she survived 80 minutes under, 100's of stitches, and 5 drainage tubes later.
It was well worth the $1200.00. I love that dog, and I owed it to her.

I have to take her on Monday to get the tubes out, we'll see how that goes...
In other news, we had some sweet, sweet Blueberry, Hawaiian, and "slow Dane" reaped recently:

The celebratory Tri-fecta of joint smoking power!

Oh! and we also had a 90's party in St.Catharines! With my old tattoo shop, we all got dummied on mushrooms and spazzed out until 6am.
ahhh yeah, raver Luscious! Bahaha

So ridiculous! And the sad part is everyone was all "I went shopping at Value Village and got these!" ALL of my stuff was shit I used to actually fucking wear! BAH!
We had a bunch of rad 90's posters up and everything!


My phat pants are quite phat, you see...

And those aren't even my biggest pants! My biggest were Kick Wear's Chronic wear 69'' ankles!!!
Man I used to fucking hotbox my own pants in the smoke pit at high school!
And, man, do I love me some mushroom parties!
This summer I hope to get back out to New Brunswick for another 5 day mushroom bender out on the coast.
'cause last year's 10-hours-of-ultimate-Frisbee-whilst-getting-sunburned record needs to be beaten!
So last week-end We had SG Canada East's "Love thy Gala" fundraiser in Toronto,
Dane, Tita, and I drove up to Toronto from London 2 hours, partied, slept all of 4 hours at Agy and Willie's place, abducted Archie, drove back to London, picking up Solace on the way, and then drove 7 hours straight into Columbus Ohio to help out Durb with a photoshoot for Hell City Gear.
It was quite the road trip, but with such good company, it flew by!
Durb was approached last minute to do a shoot for Tattoo magazine at the Easy Rider convention, and all of the local ladies were in Las Vegas!
Everything worked out great, and hopefully you'll see our sexy asses in "Tattoo" soon!
Although tattoo magazines tend to be ridiculously behind in publishing covered events! Like a fucking year behind!
Well, hopefully this snow keeps on comin'! 'Cause mamma wants to go snowboarding in NY tomorrow!!!
Let us pray.
OH shit! I almost forgot, I launched off a kicker with a crazy carpet recently...and hit the ground so hard, and backwards, that I almost pissed myself on impact! Like seriously, I got jarred so hard my bladder started giving out! Whoa!
o.k I'll stop being gross now..
Hopefully you kids are enjoying winter as much as I am, and if not, shut yer ass up and build a snowfort.
One more thing!
go comment on Solace's set in MR!
Lucky Cat

My ancient Labrador, Samantha, made it through her epic surgery. I've never been as terribly worried as I was Wednesday, but it was do or die....twiddling my thumbs in that waiting room, thinking about our long 12 years together.
I had heart palpitations, butterflys, the whole bit.
But everything came up Milhouse, and she survived 80 minutes under, 100's of stitches, and 5 drainage tubes later.
It was well worth the $1200.00. I love that dog, and I owed it to her.

I have to take her on Monday to get the tubes out, we'll see how that goes...
In other news, we had some sweet, sweet Blueberry, Hawaiian, and "slow Dane" reaped recently:

The celebratory Tri-fecta of joint smoking power!

Oh! and we also had a 90's party in St.Catharines! With my old tattoo shop, we all got dummied on mushrooms and spazzed out until 6am.
ahhh yeah, raver Luscious! Bahaha

So ridiculous! And the sad part is everyone was all "I went shopping at Value Village and got these!" ALL of my stuff was shit I used to actually fucking wear! BAH!
We had a bunch of rad 90's posters up and everything!


My phat pants are quite phat, you see...

And those aren't even my biggest pants! My biggest were Kick Wear's Chronic wear 69'' ankles!!!
Man I used to fucking hotbox my own pants in the smoke pit at high school!
And, man, do I love me some mushroom parties!
This summer I hope to get back out to New Brunswick for another 5 day mushroom bender out on the coast.
'cause last year's 10-hours-of-ultimate-Frisbee-whilst-getting-sunburned record needs to be beaten!
So last week-end We had SG Canada East's "Love thy Gala" fundraiser in Toronto,
Dane, Tita, and I drove up to Toronto from London 2 hours, partied, slept all of 4 hours at Agy and Willie's place, abducted Archie, drove back to London, picking up Solace on the way, and then drove 7 hours straight into Columbus Ohio to help out Durb with a photoshoot for Hell City Gear.
It was quite the road trip, but with such good company, it flew by!
Durb was approached last minute to do a shoot for Tattoo magazine at the Easy Rider convention, and all of the local ladies were in Las Vegas!
Everything worked out great, and hopefully you'll see our sexy asses in "Tattoo" soon!
Although tattoo magazines tend to be ridiculously behind in publishing covered events! Like a fucking year behind!

Well, hopefully this snow keeps on comin'! 'Cause mamma wants to go snowboarding in NY tomorrow!!!
Let us pray.
OH shit! I almost forgot, I launched off a kicker with a crazy carpet recently...and hit the ground so hard, and backwards, that I almost pissed myself on impact! Like seriously, I got jarred so hard my bladder started giving out! Whoa!
o.k I'll stop being gross now..
Hopefully you kids are enjoying winter as much as I am, and if not, shut yer ass up and build a snowfort.
One more thing!
go comment on Solace's set in MR!
Lucky Cat

5 pm> WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I'm gonna comment the hell outta that!
I think I may be falling in love with you. Haha<3