Captain's log-Stardate: 11.666.08.
Turks And Caicos
Here is my last post about my Ultra-mega-epic vacation.
I must get this out of my system before resuming to talk about snowboarding, being naked, and getting hammered for the rest of the winter....
But it is nice to reminisce about the warm weather!
Let us see.....Where were we...
Captain Luscious was sailing the high seas in this 138,000 ton ship...

(yeah, that's the Captain's chair bitches)

Checking out the shipping lanes...


Me eyes did spy an beauteous Island!

As we approached, I decided that I would seek-out the very tip of the island, and spend the last stop of this trip floating in the sea, away from the tourist area, cluttered with children and perfectly combed away sea bed...

Outa my way, turd burglars...

The ocean was such a vibrant blue!

Freeze time please..I'll be here, until the end days...


GTFO of my picture old lady!


Dane enjoying himself...
O.K boat, you can fuck-off now, we're staying!


I think they were trying to make-out in their little hidey-hole, so I jammed my hand in there, and interrupted happy-time
And there was this weird trilobite duder, it would seem that during low tide, it made this hardened seal, much like a snail would, around it to maintain moisture until the next high tide...

So this beach was loaded with Conch shells! It was all majestic at first, but then after you stubbed you toe for the sixtieth time it got old....and infuriating....I even bailed twice!
Once tripping on conch, secondly I was trying to smoke this tight hash this guy in Puerto Rico gave me out of the apple-bowl I made on the ship, kind of off in the foliage a little, when I stepped on this hidden stick protruding from the sand, that shit impaled my foot, and I fell on my face so. fucking. hard.
But the hash was really good.

wave action!

Alas, it was time to board the Explorer again...and sail back home
*insert fog-horn blow now*
We got eaten alive by exotic bugs whilst in line to board the ship

So, the rest of our journey involved drinking our faces off, and soaking up the last of the warm weather as we approached the frigid November back up north...
Dane triple fisting on our 6 year anniversary!!!

Meeting Marty Allen and his wife!

My last day in the sunshine! NoooooOOOOOOooooooo.....oo

Dane being a stalker...

After it got too cold to be outside, we caught some of the fabulous Tita's performances....
I suck at photographing motion, turns out...*cough*


Bahaha..bottoms up!

And check this chick out!

So cute!
I can't wait to see this little lady this month!!!!

squee squee! Bree Bree
There was this crazy game show you could be apart of called "Quest". It involved segregating us into numbered groups, and then completing ridiculous tasks for points.
guys dressed in women's stuffs, doing cat-walks

Dane donating his shirt for the cause

...and his pants! bahahaa he had a hole!!!

We spent the last night of our cruise watching a 4 piece jazz set all night

TKO'd on Dane

Upon returning to Bayonne, NJ, we drove to meet Steve Prue and stay at his place in "The Bronx"
it went as follows:
-Drove 1 hour to Long Island to see something wicked cool, that ended up being closed.
-Went to get consolation prize coffee, ended up getting rear-ended by long island pretty boy in SUV
-Spilled hot coffee on my box
-He told us to pull over into parking lot, cause we were blocking an intersection, he started to follow us, but then drove off, leaving us dumbfounded!!!
(people suck, trust no one, take pictures is the lesson here kids)
-Went back defeated to Steve's, went out for tasty veggin'
-Got a strange illness that crippled me all night
-Woke up in the morning, shot some pics and then drove back to Canada.
End story.
~*side note: we're cursed*~
Well, that's it folks.
Went back into the great white north....back to the grind....back to the Farfel.
Christmas was alright, stressful....it involved contracting a hideous stomach virus Christmas morning and taking a shit-piss for a week.
Recovered in time for New Years...got shitty.
And now, it is time to snowboard as much as humanly possible until the snow is gone...
My Winter Goals:
-get better at big airs
-perfect the grabs
-do 180's
-do some rails
-build a fort in my backyard
-have a snowball fight
-go beer-bogganing
-go ice skating with my niece
-go for a 2 hour walk on a really snowy night in the forest with my dog
-toe-blast the guy across the street that stole my shovel to dig out his car, and then didn't return it.
Well....I'm off, time to work for a week until
SG Canada East-Niagara Falls-drinking-stripper party on Sunday night!!!
Come with us! check out the Canada East group!!
Peace out home slices....

Captain's log-Stardate: 11.666.08.
Turks And Caicos
Here is my last post about my Ultra-mega-epic vacation.
I must get this out of my system before resuming to talk about snowboarding, being naked, and getting hammered for the rest of the winter....
But it is nice to reminisce about the warm weather!
Let us see.....Where were we...
Captain Luscious was sailing the high seas in this 138,000 ton ship...

(yeah, that's the Captain's chair bitches)

Checking out the shipping lanes...


Me eyes did spy an beauteous Island!

As we approached, I decided that I would seek-out the very tip of the island, and spend the last stop of this trip floating in the sea, away from the tourist area, cluttered with children and perfectly combed away sea bed...

Outa my way, turd burglars...

The ocean was such a vibrant blue!

Freeze time please..I'll be here, until the end days...


GTFO of my picture old lady!


Dane enjoying himself...
O.K boat, you can fuck-off now, we're staying!


I think they were trying to make-out in their little hidey-hole, so I jammed my hand in there, and interrupted happy-time
And there was this weird trilobite duder, it would seem that during low tide, it made this hardened seal, much like a snail would, around it to maintain moisture until the next high tide...

So this beach was loaded with Conch shells! It was all majestic at first, but then after you stubbed you toe for the sixtieth time it got old....and infuriating....I even bailed twice!
Once tripping on conch, secondly I was trying to smoke this tight hash this guy in Puerto Rico gave me out of the apple-bowl I made on the ship, kind of off in the foliage a little, when I stepped on this hidden stick protruding from the sand, that shit impaled my foot, and I fell on my face so. fucking. hard.
But the hash was really good.

wave action!

Alas, it was time to board the Explorer again...and sail back home
*insert fog-horn blow now*

We got eaten alive by exotic bugs whilst in line to board the ship

So, the rest of our journey involved drinking our faces off, and soaking up the last of the warm weather as we approached the frigid November back up north...
Dane triple fisting on our 6 year anniversary!!!

Meeting Marty Allen and his wife!

My last day in the sunshine! NoooooOOOOOOooooooo.....oo

Dane being a stalker...

After it got too cold to be outside, we caught some of the fabulous Tita's performances....
I suck at photographing motion, turns out...*cough*


Bahaha..bottoms up!

And check this chick out!

So cute!
I can't wait to see this little lady this month!!!!

squee squee! Bree Bree
There was this crazy game show you could be apart of called "Quest". It involved segregating us into numbered groups, and then completing ridiculous tasks for points.
guys dressed in women's stuffs, doing cat-walks

Dane donating his shirt for the cause

...and his pants! bahahaa he had a hole!!!

We spent the last night of our cruise watching a 4 piece jazz set all night

TKO'd on Dane

Upon returning to Bayonne, NJ, we drove to meet Steve Prue and stay at his place in "The Bronx"
it went as follows:
-Drove 1 hour to Long Island to see something wicked cool, that ended up being closed.
-Went to get consolation prize coffee, ended up getting rear-ended by long island pretty boy in SUV
-Spilled hot coffee on my box
-He told us to pull over into parking lot, cause we were blocking an intersection, he started to follow us, but then drove off, leaving us dumbfounded!!!
(people suck, trust no one, take pictures is the lesson here kids)
-Went back defeated to Steve's, went out for tasty veggin'
-Got a strange illness that crippled me all night
-Woke up in the morning, shot some pics and then drove back to Canada.
End story.
~*side note: we're cursed*~
Well, that's it folks.
Went back into the great white north....back to the grind....back to the Farfel.
Christmas was alright, stressful....it involved contracting a hideous stomach virus Christmas morning and taking a shit-piss for a week.
Recovered in time for New Years...got shitty.
And now, it is time to snowboard as much as humanly possible until the snow is gone...
My Winter Goals:
-get better at big airs
-perfect the grabs
-do 180's
-do some rails
-build a fort in my backyard
-have a snowball fight
-go beer-bogganing
-go ice skating with my niece
-go for a 2 hour walk on a really snowy night in the forest with my dog
-toe-blast the guy across the street that stole my shovel to dig out his car, and then didn't return it.
Well....I'm off, time to work for a week until
SG Canada East-Niagara Falls-drinking-stripper party on Sunday night!!!
Come with us! check out the Canada East group!!
Peace out home slices....

SO glad to hear about Samantha! Rock on! 

did not know that you were a shreder. sweet!