Well now....How's it going interdweebs???
Riddle me this...
What do a gynecologist and a pizza boy have in common??
HUZZAH!!!It's fucking MAY! Weeeeeeeee......(psssst...my b-day is on the 19th)
Our shop is as busy as ever, and we even hired two new tattoo artists, and a new piercer!
I was tattooin' Dane last week:
We got this new swanky clear/glows in blacklight ink....figured I would try it out first before anyone gets it.
I'm the best drunken score keeper ever!
My boy Lucky wuvs his bag
So we went to the zoo on the 27th with SG Canada East, had a blast....hung out with some awesome members/SGs and animals!
Some lazy pigs:
Elephants! Which we saw pee, and a kid was all "hey mom! look a waterfall!!"
Lazy hippo:
Me looking like an idiot trying to pose on the hippo:
Look how majestic the Zebra is:
At least the Cheetah wasn't peeing:
But it did see a little girl in a cheetah spotted cape and charged the fucking fence, and tried to eat her...or maybe mate with her....who knows. It was pissed.
This seal had repetitive stress disorder:
We thought this dude was fake, and we all sat there and watched it for like 1/2 an hour and the thing didn't fucking blink/breathe/piss N. E. thing.
So we eventually got one of the workers to poke it with a metal rod, and it blinked...what the fuck?
We adventured out to the construction area, and smoked a fatty....which lead to watching these Jaguars (a brother and sister) romp, play, and of course piss...I swear we all zoned out on them for like 40 mins.
And the spider monkey beside the Jaguar cage wasn't impressed with us ignoring him and tried to shit through the bars at us...
These tiger cubs were "mock mating" to impress everyone, and all the children had to listen to their stupid parents try to explain that they were cleaning each other and other lies...
for the love of god it's natural! tell your children the truth!!!
If I was ever forced to have children, I would as sure as hell tell it like it is, "well you see little Billy, baby animals play in a way that mimics their parents behavior, so that when they are grown up, they know how to do things right when they are on their own" there now was that soo hard?!?
On a more serious note, my friends, being on this site, I have some hope that you are above the normal mindless automaton that walks the streets of the Americas...
Everyone, especially U.S.Americans, please, as a personal favor to me.. go watch the movie:
It will change your life forever.
And also,
Please look into CHEMTRAILS. google it, NOW!
You have to know what you are being exposed to!
Educate yourself! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS! learn the Constitution to a T.
Our generation has to start acting on this shit, or else the world will be left in smoking ruin for our future generations...
If you are in any way kindred to my soul you will look into these things, and heed what I say, if you can appreciate my body, appreciate what I have to say...for these are what I am most passionate about in my life.
Fare well,
<3 )~
P.s-Come see me at HELL CITY!
i miss you already!!!!!