So, like I was saying... went to the buddy's house on Saturday.

.. got shit-faced, mission accomplished. And yeah, we're drinking tequila shots out of baby bottle lids! BWAHAHAHAHA.....

After drinking and burning excessively this is how I look:

And this is what I do: gorge on whatever food stuffs available until I leave...

Dane's all excited for Kitty Time!

This is how I look at zee work place.

you can almost taste the enthusiasm...
And most importantly, Chanel came over on Mon. night, and we drank and played Sonic "can't get that fucking song out of my head" Hedgehog until we were bat-shit-crazy for 2 days solid.
It begins...

I found this tree boob on the street, and took it home


2 bottles of wine later...

Luscious T1000

It's always good to share healthy activities with your lover...


Conan the Librarian

2 bottles of wine, a bottle of vodka, 1 bottle of champagne, and several beers later...
The fan is freaking me out man!...

So after 2 days of drinking, we decided that it was an awesome idea to walk to my shop in the middle of the night...

Champagne bottle #2 for the road!

At this point I was seeing double, once I sat down at the shop, I had the fucking spins sooo bad...

So obviously it was a great idea for both of us to get tattooed to commemorate the occasion!

I have been meaning to get this tattoo for 4 years now, several of us that worked at my old tattoo shop in Niagara Falls got this tattzap, except me because I could never settle on a spot, scared that it would get in the way of future work....but the liquid courage made quick work of that.

The Flying Hell Fish represent! After being perforated for over an hour, I had my second wind...

Chanel is on deck, and not amused with Dane taking so fucking long as always..

YAY for PAIN!!!

Being the entertainment/trying not to fall down:

Almost fucking done...

OOOOOOhhhhh....man, I'm so fucking hammered in this photo, I'm surprised I'm still able to sit up

All in all, good fucking times
and we should do it more often!
So, like I was saying... went to the buddy's house on Saturday.

.. got shit-faced, mission accomplished. And yeah, we're drinking tequila shots out of baby bottle lids! BWAHAHAHAHA.....

After drinking and burning excessively this is how I look:

And this is what I do: gorge on whatever food stuffs available until I leave...

Dane's all excited for Kitty Time!

This is how I look at zee work place.

you can almost taste the enthusiasm...
And most importantly, Chanel came over on Mon. night, and we drank and played Sonic "can't get that fucking song out of my head" Hedgehog until we were bat-shit-crazy for 2 days solid.
It begins...

I found this tree boob on the street, and took it home


2 bottles of wine later...

Luscious T1000

It's always good to share healthy activities with your lover...


Conan the Librarian

2 bottles of wine, a bottle of vodka, 1 bottle of champagne, and several beers later...
The fan is freaking me out man!...

So after 2 days of drinking, we decided that it was an awesome idea to walk to my shop in the middle of the night...

Champagne bottle #2 for the road!

At this point I was seeing double, once I sat down at the shop, I had the fucking spins sooo bad...

So obviously it was a great idea for both of us to get tattooed to commemorate the occasion!

I have been meaning to get this tattoo for 4 years now, several of us that worked at my old tattoo shop in Niagara Falls got this tattzap, except me because I could never settle on a spot, scared that it would get in the way of future work....but the liquid courage made quick work of that.

The Flying Hell Fish represent! After being perforated for over an hour, I had my second wind...

Chanel is on deck, and not amused with Dane taking so fucking long as always..

YAY for PAIN!!!

Being the entertainment/trying not to fall down:

Almost fucking done...

OOOOOOhhhhh....man, I'm so fucking hammered in this photo, I'm surprised I'm still able to sit up

All in all, good fucking times

see you in detroit!