Dear life, thank-you for granting my biggest fantasy (other than being able to kill people on a whim with no punishment). Last saturday Tekky, Dane , And I went to see Evil Dead the musical (for the 2nd time), and this was the crowning moment of my life, so far.
Tekky and I slept on the streets of Toronto, enduring crack heads, drunk fuck-faces, and searing heat with no shade to obtain these rare, and sacred tickets. FRONT ROW CENTER I MIGHT ADD!!
It was for the night that Bruce Campbell himself was attending the play.
Not only did he sign my leg (which I immediatly tattooed on), He did an intimate talk-back with the crowd for over an hour after the play...and wait it gets better...the three of us got invited to the private "green room" party for staff and cast members. We actually got to talk and have a few drinks with Bruce! I was standing right beside him for a while! LIKE 1 FUCKING FOOT AWAY. I don't know how long it was, it seemed like an eternity because I was so incredibly twitterpated.
HE TOUCHED MY FUCKING FACE!!!!!!!!!!!! swoon....
You know that feeling you used to get when you were just a little twat?....when you thought of your crush? that twinge and tingle, your heart skips a beat, that fucking happens every time I think about it....yes, I'm that crazy. And I don't mind one fucking bit.

Tekky and I slept on the streets of Toronto, enduring crack heads, drunk fuck-faces, and searing heat with no shade to obtain these rare, and sacred tickets. FRONT ROW CENTER I MIGHT ADD!!
It was for the night that Bruce Campbell himself was attending the play.
Not only did he sign my leg (which I immediatly tattooed on), He did an intimate talk-back with the crowd for over an hour after the play...and wait it gets better...the three of us got invited to the private "green room" party for staff and cast members. We actually got to talk and have a few drinks with Bruce! I was standing right beside him for a while! LIKE 1 FUCKING FOOT AWAY. I don't know how long it was, it seemed like an eternity because I was so incredibly twitterpated.
HE TOUCHED MY FUCKING FACE!!!!!!!!!!!! swoon....
You know that feeling you used to get when you were just a little twat?....when you thought of your crush? that twinge and tingle, your heart skips a beat, that fucking happens every time I think about it....yes, I'm that crazy. And I don't mind one fucking bit.

I know guys!! I computer is down, and all my fancy adventuring pics are on there!! I'm mooching on my shop's computer...I'll see if I can kick one out..