I'm pissed. I got done work at about quarter after 2 this morning and I called mike as usual and he picks up his phone but is too drunk to realize that I'm on the other end and all I hear is "and now my fucking girlfriend is calling me" and then "no haha I already hung up on her" so I say his name and then the phone just cuts off.
I waited like 2 minutes and called back and he answered and is sluring his words left and right and tells me that he's at a bar 30 minutes away from his house so I asked him for directions so I could go pick him up cause I didn't want him driving. He wouldn't give me directions but tole me he was stopping for gas and that he would be home in 15 minutes. . .but didn't he just tell me that the bar was 30 minutes from his house?! yes he did.
so I finally gave up trying to reason with him and started driving to his house. I get half way there and get a call from him saying "come pick me up" so I stopped at wawa to get a pen so I could get directions but when I called him back he said nevermind I'll just drive myself I'll see you in 30 minutes.
so I go to his house and wait outside even though I have a key. he shows up about 30 minutes later and completely misses his parking spot. We got inside and I didn't say anything to him, finally he got that I was mad and he asked me why and I told him it's cause he's stupid for drinking that much when he knows he has to drive.
Am I wrong here? Am I over reacting or do I have every right to be mad? I'm actually more disapointed than anything. He's fucking 24 years old and doesn't know when enough is enough....he's smarter than that.
Morning after update. . .he doesn't remember anything about lastnight. . .not even the part where he told me he'd be fine driving home because he loves me so it was okay
I waited like 2 minutes and called back and he answered and is sluring his words left and right and tells me that he's at a bar 30 minutes away from his house so I asked him for directions so I could go pick him up cause I didn't want him driving. He wouldn't give me directions but tole me he was stopping for gas and that he would be home in 15 minutes. . .but didn't he just tell me that the bar was 30 minutes from his house?! yes he did.
so I finally gave up trying to reason with him and started driving to his house. I get half way there and get a call from him saying "come pick me up" so I stopped at wawa to get a pen so I could get directions but when I called him back he said nevermind I'll just drive myself I'll see you in 30 minutes.
so I go to his house and wait outside even though I have a key. he shows up about 30 minutes later and completely misses his parking spot. We got inside and I didn't say anything to him, finally he got that I was mad and he asked me why and I told him it's cause he's stupid for drinking that much when he knows he has to drive.
Am I wrong here? Am I over reacting or do I have every right to be mad? I'm actually more disapointed than anything. He's fucking 24 years old and doesn't know when enough is enough....he's smarter than that.

Morning after update. . .he doesn't remember anything about lastnight. . .not even the part where he told me he'd be fine driving home because he loves me so it was okay

and none of us are
smarter then that