I haven't been home in 4 days now, I've stayed at this guy mike's house for the past few nights. I like him quite a bit but I don't really want to admit that because then I sorta feel like Jim never meant anything to me but he did, and he still does, there are still days when i wake up and I have to remind myself that he's not mine anymore and that I've gotten in so deep with mike that I would crush him if I told him that he didn't mean anything to me....he does though. . .this is all very confusing to me. I still love Jim but I'm incredably attracted to Mike. Should I just say fuck it and admit that mike is practically my boyfriend now or should I just keep pretending that this is all just a dream and that Jim is going to come back?
I don't want to live in reality. . .it hurts too much
I don't want to live in reality. . .it hurts too much

I love those jeans you are wearing in the pic of yourself in the dressing room...are they Hard Tails?
it was what it was &
now it is what it is