Blech, I'm feeling quite ill, I got very little sleep lastnight, woke up at 11 went to brunch at the boys house (it was in celebration of his little bro's 2nd birthday) I was in the back yard playing with the youngins and ended up getting stung by a bee
just my luck! I'm not allergic to them but I get a horrible headache whenever I get stung so I had the boy take me home and I slept till about 7 woke up made a tuna melt and about an hour later decided to throw it up. . .yep I gave myself food poisoning. (I didn't notice that the bread had mold on it
So today has been one blonde moment after another. I'll live though I still had an alright day.
(and as you can see I got the parental controls off! woot me!)

So today has been one blonde moment after another. I'll live though I still had an alright day.
(and as you can see I got the parental controls off! woot me!)

hurting yourself. The bread mold shouldn't have
done anything to you, I think maybe the tuna
was what did you in. Sleep and get better kiddo