I am back in boganville. suprisingly i couldn't wait. i prefer it here. i wish i had more time to hang with my cuz but all in all glad to be back home. met the cuz's gf, and flat mate, maddame, and a hot arse waitress who was born here anyway. she was the only other person i could talk to down there. was only small talk but it made me feel a bit more comfortable. almost got into a fight as well in the cbd.
victorian roads are fucking boring. as soon as i hit NSW i woke up out of zombie land. the time between albury and home flew. some bastards thought we were unmarked coppers - funny shit. i had the uhf on the same channel as them and heard the whole thing. that was probably the best part of the trip. a guy with a mohawk driving a cop car. yeah right...
but if i was i would have booked the car i overtook at the time for not having lights on the box trailer. just from sheer boredom. and to be a c*#t
. predominantly the second one.
maybe one day this recent weird mood will be over and i will care again. until then i dont give a fuck so say hi or dont. whatever really. better yet ask a question. the better the question the more phunked up the answer will be!!!!
ps my knee hurts.
victorian roads are fucking boring. as soon as i hit NSW i woke up out of zombie land. the time between albury and home flew. some bastards thought we were unmarked coppers - funny shit. i had the uhf on the same channel as them and heard the whole thing. that was probably the best part of the trip. a guy with a mohawk driving a cop car. yeah right...
but if i was i would have booked the car i overtook at the time for not having lights on the box trailer. just from sheer boredom. and to be a c*#t

maybe one day this recent weird mood will be over and i will care again. until then i dont give a fuck so say hi or dont. whatever really. better yet ask a question. the better the question the more phunked up the answer will be!!!!
ps my knee hurts.
You're right, the line for people to date us is quite long and highly extensive.. We just have these issues where we want them to look exactly like anyone from our hot list. That is quite hard to find nowadays, dont you think??? We complain because we come as a package. You cannot take one, you must take both. Lindal once told us, "how is this a bad thing? I dont know any guys who would say, look, im sorry, i can only root one of you, the other should just piss off".. But it doesnt seem to be working in our favour at all. I guess people are just too intimidated by our good looks.
Lets look at your want list for a woman:
* Long dark hair - umm... its dark
* Pasty White - we're very pasty white
* Huge Boobs, or at least fit my hand - hmm. we arent so sure about this
* Should be sexy - we arent this either
* Should like music - damm straight we like music
* Must shave legs and armpits - we do this practically all the time!
* Can hold a conversation about more than shopping - we only shop for food
* Must eat - we eat every minute of the day. you can ask merc about this. he thinks we have worms
* Preferrably rich - No, we are poor.
* Must be able to take and give a joke - All too well.
* must not have a moustache - Damn, we have this.
You dont want too much.. This is a good list, its much like ours. We think its clear, we should all just pack up and move in together and have orgies.
It on?
[Edited on Jul 07, 2005 9:38AM]