I seriously have THE most irresponsible roommate ever! And she doesn't even TRY! We texted her telling her that we're having a house meeting tomorrow and she replies back, "I'll try." It's like... no. This is our living situation. It is imperative that she is there and if the time that we decided on is not good for her (she's not working tomorrow so I don't know what the fuck else she'd have going on), then tell us when she's available and we'll work around it. I have a feeling that I am going to end up getting screwed out of a lot of money. I want to cry right now I am so stressed out for her. And rent is due again in freaking.. six days. If she just ups and leaves, then how the hell are we going to cover her rent? I wouldn't mind just kicking her out again.. but again, how the fuck are we going to cover her rent!
I am just so glad that we have another, RESPONSIBLE girl moving in.. just not until August, though. I want to scream and cry right now. I try so hard to save and be careful and budget (despite my road trip to St. Louis on Tuesday... which I am NOT canceling! I need to get out of Chicago if even for a day).
Sorry.. I feel so bad venting here. I just need to vent SOMEWHERE though.
I seriously have THE most irresponsible roommate ever! And she doesn't even TRY! We texted her telling her that we're having a house meeting tomorrow and she replies back, "I'll try." It's like... no. This is our living situation. It is imperative that she is there and if the time that we decided on is not good for her (she's not working tomorrow so I don't know what the fuck else she'd have going on), then tell us when she's available and we'll work around it. I have a feeling that I am going to end up getting screwed out of a lot of money. I want to cry right now I am so stressed out for her. And rent is due again in freaking.. six days. If she just ups and leaves, then how the hell are we going to cover her rent? I wouldn't mind just kicking her out again.. but again, how the fuck are we going to cover her rent!
I am just so glad that we have another, RESPONSIBLE girl moving in.. just not until August, though. I want to scream and cry right now. I try so hard to save and be careful and budget (despite my road trip to St. Louis on Tuesday... which I am NOT canceling! I need to get out of Chicago if even for a day).
Sorry.. I feel so bad venting here. I just need to vent SOMEWHERE though.
that sucks, hope she wasnt a good friend that you are going to lose because of her being a shitty roommate, dont really know what else you can do besides sue her if she does up and leave
with the new one make sure you get a month's rent deposit so no one can skip again.
I wish it were affordable for everyone to live alone.