It's past 4am. The neighbor that I wanted to take advantage of in my last post? I WANT TO KILL HIM RIGHT NOW! One of my roommates and I are sick. We're sleeping upstairs because we've been throwing up and need to be near the bathroom. He's playing his music loud. I've been awake since 8am. We just got in a fight about it. "It's my last day in town for 10 days." OKAY FUCKER! YOU'LL BE BACK IN TEN DAYS! YOU CAN PLAY YOUR MUSIC LOUD AND HAVE YOUR FRIENDS OVER SINGING AND TALKING LOUDLY AGAIN SOON WHEN THERE ARE NOT TWO SICK GIRLS OVER HERE.
Usually he is considerate and does turn down shit when we ask him and helps us out with a lot of stuff (he's actually suppose to be helping me build something when he gets back). I've been getting super fustrated with him lately though which is, in turn, making us fight quite a bit lately.
Usually he is considerate and does turn down shit when we ask him and helps us out with a lot of stuff (he's actually suppose to be helping me build something when he gets back). I've been getting super fustrated with him lately though which is, in turn, making us fight quite a bit lately.
I can't stand inconsiderate neighbors like that.