i never thought id be saying this but im pretty glad i got to stay home after all.......i am upset that i didnt get to see madison east and every one else that was going to be at the show! i do miss everyone! none the less i did get a chance to see my family and spend time with my dad he and i are working on getting closer i think well maybe im just doing that......what can i say i do love him! on a nother note im going to maryland thurs were leaving really early so we should get there around 5pm ish. i hope i will get to see the dashing john "bam" ringer. i really hope this trip doesnt suck.....i want so badly to have fun for once while im there! so im going to kid nap my cousin and off we go! i miss my cousin! o gosh shes the only reason why i even care to see the fam.
ive never been so busy in my life and felt so lost! i cant explain it at all i never really have down time to just chill and when i do i feel like a lost puppy! im not sure if its just b/c i know i dont have to be some place or making someone else happy! or what not! hmmm i just cant wait to be outta school that will help! ok now i should end you with a happy note!
my friend mike decided after 4 yrs that he was going to go back to church and was looking around for one...and has found one haha ok its my church im very happy he went without me today! i was soooo happy! its going to be good for him go jesus
you ever update???