Well, I got back yesturday from Poland. Let me first start by saying Zubrofska ( Bison Brand ) is the best dam vodka there is!!! And let follow that by name dropping all the famous cameramen I met and saw at the awsome camerimage cinermatographers fastival in Lodz ( pronounced Wuldge , Why ? ask poland ) Laxlo Kovacs ( Close encounters of the Third Kind, Ghostbusters, easy Rider ) Michael Capman (The Godfather, Taxi Driver, Lost Boys, INavasion of the Body snatchers , Radging Bull ) Billy Williams (Robocop, Total Recall, Starship Troopers , Das Boot ) and many more. I only listed my faves on their filmography. I also met a loverly polish Girl called agita (didnt get off with her , but then did I really try ? ) Hope to see her again in may in ampsterdam, mm.... she was really nice
. Loads of other fantasticly gourous girls, poland seams to be full of them
Well, going to poland has givin me a new spark for film and Im really looking forward to going to Singapore in January to film my third year grad project. I guess these journal entrys will get more personal in time but im not really used to this yet.... Thanx Sith for reading um... hope to see you soon in the chat rooms

well thats it for now, back to chat