So Hurricane Ike swooped down on Houston and knocked out my power for the last 5 days, finally got it back tonight. My home fared pretty well with only some of our fence being pushed over and the bushy tree in the back yard that I planted getting blown to it's side. I don't know weather it will be salvageable but I hope it is because I was really digging that tree. I might take some pictures tomorrow, but by now most of the devastation in my area has been cleared, which means it really wasn't that devastating at all.
In other news this is like my third post ever, and I hope to actually start blogging a bit here, I'm also hoping to start participating with the SGHouston community and actually get out and do some stuff, I'm pretty tired of being holed up in LaPorte with nothing to do but be antisocial.
Anyways, I'm hoping that everyone else is Houston is doing ok and gets their power back on soon.
In other news this is like my third post ever, and I hope to actually start blogging a bit here, I'm also hoping to start participating with the SGHouston community and actually get out and do some stuff, I'm pretty tired of being holed up in LaPorte with nothing to do but be antisocial.
Anyways, I'm hoping that everyone else is Houston is doing ok and gets their power back on soon.