So I got the job
And I'm starting like now
I'll be working every weekend this summer
Hopefully I'll be able to work out something for the SG Gala if I ever get to the guest list.
I'm a bit nervous, I haven't had a summer job in over 4 years... I got use to desk job and programming all day
I'm sure everything will be fine... The worst thing that could happen is them fireing me I guess
♥ Lunne

I'm a bit nervous, I haven't had a summer job in over 4 years... I got use to desk job and programming all day

I'm sure everything will be fine... The worst thing that could happen is them fireing me I guess

♥ Lunne
No worries....they can't fire you with a weekend job! One the first day you could totally mess up. On the second day you avoid all the important people who wanna kick your ass out! THEN you have 5 days for them to forget what you did so you can start it all over again. Its the PERFECT JOB!!!! 

Congrats on the job. Thanks for wishing me well earlier. Things went well.