An other break up...
Well not a real one since we never got to be an official couple. But it still hurt almost has much...
Have you ever got to the point where it's not about the fear of never finding someone... But more about realizing for the first time that it's a real possibility. Maybe he's not out there. And the sooner you realize this the sooner you can stop waisting you time in stupid relationships and put it on building something else. But it's terrorizing, the idea of spending a life time alone, having kids alone, buying a house alone, getting a dog alone, going to the movies alone without anyone's hand to hold when it's scary...
Well not a real one since we never got to be an official couple. But it still hurt almost has much...
Have you ever got to the point where it's not about the fear of never finding someone... But more about realizing for the first time that it's a real possibility. Maybe he's not out there. And the sooner you realize this the sooner you can stop waisting you time in stupid relationships and put it on building something else. But it's terrorizing, the idea of spending a life time alone, having kids alone, buying a house alone, getting a dog alone, going to the movies alone without anyone's hand to hold when it's scary...
it sucks.
ohh - OT.
patrice is on the gala guestlist.
she has a plus 1.
but hasn't gotten back to me who she is bringing yet.
maybe if you harass her enough, she'll bring you and you'll get off the waiting list.
it would be so awesome to hang with you guys again!
damn me and my crafty thoughts. well, i'm sure something will work out soon enough. i think some more spots will be opening up soon enough.