I have decided to do a school girl set and post it in my pictures. I love SG and I think all the girls are cute as hell, but for more my own reasons..I've decided not to submit a second set attempt. For those who don't know the first set is in my pictures and couldn't be taken 'cause guns are bad now. Well, instead of send another set in- Instead I think I am going to post a new set every month in my profile. So feel free to throw any ideas my way.
I've been listening to Tricky a lot lately, sorry if you don't like the music..but damn I think it's sexy. Makes me think I want to throw my clothes off and dance all sexy and...
"No need to answer 'till I take further evidence"
I am taking up some space now to comment on some very cool people. If you don't know GENGHISKHAN you should get to know this cute boy. He has interesting journals and a kick ass band and he's new! If you haven't wished Priss Happy Birthday today-make sure to. She is one of the sweetest and most beautiful girls ever!
jsinxxx thank you for all of the wonderful and interesting conversations lately. I admire what you stand for and thank you for last night! seano007 I had a great time talking to you on the phone last night. You are so sweet and easy going.
I talked to PocketRocket this morning. He said my package will be here by Thursday. I'm so excited to see what he sent me. Figured out my money and I can buy my ticket in 10 days. Yeah I thought I would have the ticket bought now but bills were a little steep this month. Anyway, 10 days and then I can do my happy dance.
I have to go to the hospital tomorrow, my neurologist is coming into town so I have to get my blood levels checked. I think I need my meds upped so this is a good thing getting to go see him. Don't freak out about it though kids..for those who didn't know..Ms. Lunna has Epilepsy
I am working on some music. Of course we've been working on the re-mix cd, but I've been thinking that I may put out my own side project. Just a thought. Also, I got rid of AIM and my yahoo messenger list is long. I know who most of you are but there are a few..I can't remember who you are haha. So, if you have secretred2002 on your list..then that be me and please drop me a line on yours as i'm going to put everyone's sg name in my yahoo notes thing to keep track of everyone. Thank You and I apologize for my forgetfullness.
So in the event as I do once a month post now or be deleted, 'cause I don't like friends who don't atleast say hello now and then.
So, no questions for the day just simply enjoy what makes me smile
I have a
spanking for everyone that comes this way!

I've been listening to Tricky a lot lately, sorry if you don't like the music..but damn I think it's sexy. Makes me think I want to throw my clothes off and dance all sexy and...

I am taking up some space now to comment on some very cool people. If you don't know GENGHISKHAN you should get to know this cute boy. He has interesting journals and a kick ass band and he's new! If you haven't wished Priss Happy Birthday today-make sure to. She is one of the sweetest and most beautiful girls ever!

I talked to PocketRocket this morning. He said my package will be here by Thursday. I'm so excited to see what he sent me. Figured out my money and I can buy my ticket in 10 days. Yeah I thought I would have the ticket bought now but bills were a little steep this month. Anyway, 10 days and then I can do my happy dance.

I have to go to the hospital tomorrow, my neurologist is coming into town so I have to get my blood levels checked. I think I need my meds upped so this is a good thing getting to go see him. Don't freak out about it though kids..for those who didn't know..Ms. Lunna has Epilepsy

I am working on some music. Of course we've been working on the re-mix cd, but I've been thinking that I may put out my own side project. Just a thought. Also, I got rid of AIM and my yahoo messenger list is long. I know who most of you are but there are a few..I can't remember who you are haha. So, if you have secretred2002 on your list..then that be me and please drop me a line on yours as i'm going to put everyone's sg name in my yahoo notes thing to keep track of everyone. Thank You and I apologize for my forgetfullness.

So in the event as I do once a month post now or be deleted, 'cause I don't like friends who don't atleast say hello now and then.

So, no questions for the day just simply enjoy what makes me smile
I have a

i remember this kid that i worked with at taco bell who was like my little lap dog...maybe if he wasnt a virgin...hahahaha
sounds like your boy's ex is a real bitch! I HATE WHEN GUYS AND GIRLS WHO USED TO LIKE EACH OTHER, TURN SO BITTER!
Sure, my ex-crush may have used me, but I wouldnt try to take away something that was important to him...jeez
I am looking forward to the jacuzzi...we might not get to have too much fun, because it is a publc one, but i like public places...naughty
i just saw an interview on WWE with Torrie Wilson and Sable...that Playboy is going to be smokin'...quality masturbation material for sure...i saw a pic of Torrie licking Sable's ear...
very sexy
time to go buy a CD...will you autograph it for me?