This is by far my best update since my last few journal entries. So much has been going on.
Ok, so the boy and I are once again partners in crime and woohoo we are both so happy and having fun just being friends and being nerdy. Last night we watched a movie together and stayed warm under tons of blankets and layed down with pillows and it was just so much fun. We talked and laughed and made fun of eachother and told eachother how much we love eachother as friends and was just great!
He is an amazing person and I'm happy as fuck with how well we are getting along now. So, please send some hellos and love to one of the coolest boys in the world CV 'cause I said so and plus he's my bestest friend.
Let's see, I also managed to sleep a total of 16 hours in the last day and I am feeling great. I think my insomnia side is taken care of now and I can go back to sleeping like a normal person.
jsinxxx is one of the coolest boys. He got a webcam and we have been talking quite a bit the last day or two. Thank you for all the love and advice and just being there when I really needed someone to talk to.
I got a valentine today from PaleEnchantress. That girl is so sweet
Today I am going to go hang out with CV and then come home and clean like crazy and get rid of shit I don't need anymore.
I am waiting like a little girl in a candy store for my package from PocketRocket going to pee my pants I'm so excited. I need to get my booty in gear for my trip to LA next month. So, since I can't keep track who is going to play with Rocket and I when I come out there? The dates aren't set in stone..but I'm planning middle of March for 1 full week.
Wow, 1 week with rocket..whatever will I do with myself and my silly excitement?
1. You're starring in a movie. What's it called?
2. Movie no one has probably heard of that people should see?
3. Weird thing you randomly want to do now?
4. Age you lost the big V and if you haven't yet put a smiley face of your choice instead.
1. Bad Ass School Girls
2. All Over Me
3. Make out with a punker boy
4. 18
for everyone that comes this way!
Edited to show off my new hair.

Ok, so the boy and I are once again partners in crime and woohoo we are both so happy and having fun just being friends and being nerdy. Last night we watched a movie together and stayed warm under tons of blankets and layed down with pillows and it was just so much fun. We talked and laughed and made fun of eachother and told eachother how much we love eachother as friends and was just great!

He is an amazing person and I'm happy as fuck with how well we are getting along now. So, please send some hellos and love to one of the coolest boys in the world CV 'cause I said so and plus he's my bestest friend.

Let's see, I also managed to sleep a total of 16 hours in the last day and I am feeling great. I think my insomnia side is taken care of now and I can go back to sleeping like a normal person.

jsinxxx is one of the coolest boys. He got a webcam and we have been talking quite a bit the last day or two. Thank you for all the love and advice and just being there when I really needed someone to talk to.

Today I am going to go hang out with CV and then come home and clean like crazy and get rid of shit I don't need anymore.

I am waiting like a little girl in a candy store for my package from PocketRocket going to pee my pants I'm so excited. I need to get my booty in gear for my trip to LA next month. So, since I can't keep track who is going to play with Rocket and I when I come out there? The dates aren't set in stone..but I'm planning middle of March for 1 full week.

1. You're starring in a movie. What's it called?
2. Movie no one has probably heard of that people should see?
3. Weird thing you randomly want to do now?
4. Age you lost the big V and if you haven't yet put a smiley face of your choice instead.
1. Bad Ass School Girls
2. All Over Me
3. Make out with a punker boy
4. 18

Edited to show off my new hair.

2. Movie no one has probably heard of that people should see? i didnt see it so i dont know
3. Weird thing you randomly want to do now? Answer these questions
4. Age you lost the big V and if you haven't yet put a smiley face of your choice instead. uh 17 and it was worth the wait