I stole this from Toxicboy who stole it from Trilobyte (who stole it from someone else) so enjoy.
A few things you didnt know about Lunna:
- Straight/gay/bi? ........bi
- Single? ..........Yes, I do have a single out haha.
- Want to be? ..........
- Your birth date: ...........9-22-79
- Your age: ..............24
- Age you act: ............sometimes 40, sometimes 5
- Age you wish you were: .....blah who cares
- Your height: .......5'3
- The color of your eyes: Hazel
- Happy with them? ........Yeah,they work
- The color of your hair: .......Black
- Happy with it? .............Yes
- Left/right/ambidextrous? .......no comment
- Your living arrangement? ......Live with my best friend who's a guy.
- Your family: ..........Same town, Chicago & Indy
- Have any pets? ...........4 cats
- What's your job: .......Singer & Make clothes
- Piercings? ...............just 2 standard in ears
- Tattoos? ...................butterfly wings on back/shoulder area
- Addictions? ............Smoking & Maybe sex
- Do you speak another language? ....Learning Italian
- Have a favorite quote? ...."Ditto hot bunny"
- Do you have a webpage? .......Yes and the link is on this page.
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
- Do you live in the moment? ......Sometimes
- Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? ......yes,unless they are really annoying
- Do you have any secrets? .....Of Course
- Do you hate yourself? .......What a silly question..no
- Do you like your handwriting? ....Yes
- Do you have any bad habits? ......smoking
- What is the compliment you get most from people? ....Nice ass haha
- If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? ......Why is The Neverending Story taken when I need it.
- What's your biggest fear? .....Drownding
- Can you sing? ......Yes
- Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? .......You mean I'm not cool?haha
- Are you a loner? ....Nope
- What are your no. 1 priorities in life? ...Work hard to relax later
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ....Weird question
- Are you a daredevil? ....I don't think so since that makes me think of ppl who risk their life.
- Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? ....Just the usual girly pickiness you know.
- Are you passive or aggressive? ....Aggressive still waiting for that boy who will spank me so I can be passive.
- Have you got a journal? ....well, where do you think you are???
- What is your greatest strength and weakness? ....My ambition &...my niceness..some ppl take advantage of that.
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ....Not having to wear contacts or glasses
- There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one....Creativity, the mind is sexier then anything else.
- How do you vent? ....Complain for about 10 minutes then I'm over it.
- Do you think you are emotionally strong? ....Hmm, what time of the month are we talking about? haha
- Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? ....I live my life so I will not regret
- Do you think life has been good so far? .....What hasn't been good has all been re-paid. :
- What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? ....That helping others is the biggest reward
- What do you like the most about your body? ....My lips
- And least? ....my broad shoulders
- Do you think you are good looking? ... I think I'm a cute naughty little girl..teehee
- Are you confident? .... I can be
- What is the fictional character you're most like? ....Miette
- Do people know how you feel? ....Yes always
- Are you perceived wrongly? ....Yeah,sometimes ppl think my flirtiness makes me a big slut. haha
- Smoke? ............Yes
- Do drugs? .........No
- Read the newspaper? ....Yes
- Pray? ......No
- Go to church? ....No
- Talk to strangers who IM you? ....No, I have to somewhat know you first
- Sleep with stuffed animals? ....My dog stuffed animal sleeps between my boobs every night.
- Take walks in the rain? ....Not alone
- Talk to people even though you hate them? ....No
- Drive? .........No
- Like to drive fast? .....
- Liked your voice? ..........Yes
- Hurt yourself? ........Yes, in the past
- Been out of the country? ...Yes, to Canada only though
- Eaten something that made other people sick? ...No
- Had sex? .....Yes
- Been unfaithful? ....Yes, but I was in the middle of ending the relationship so we both were
- Been in love? ....Yes
- Done drugs? ....Yes
- Gone skinny dipping? ....Hell Yes
- Had a medical emergency? ....Yes
- Had a surgery? ......Yes
- Ran away from home? .....No
- Played strip poker? ....Yes
- Gotten beaten up? ......No
- Beaten someone up? ....Yes
- Been picked on? .....Yes
- Been on stage? .....Yes
- Slept outdoors? .......Yes
- Thought about suicide? ....Yes, I was 12
- Pulled an all-nighter? ....Yes
- Gone one day without food? .....Yes
- Talked on the phone all night? ....Yes
- Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first(moms and daddy's don't count)? ..................Yes, with my gay guy friends
- Slept all day? .........No
- Made out with a stranger? .....No
- Had sex with a stranger? ............No
- Thought you're going crazy? ...Not for real
- Kissed the same sex? .....Yes
- Been betrayed? ....Yes
- Broken the law? ....No
- Have you ever killed an animal by accident? ......No
- On purpose? ....God NO
- Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? ......Only when it is for someone's own good
- Stolen anything? .......No
- Been on radio/TV? ......Yes
- Been in a mosh-pit? .........Yes
- Had a nervous breakdown? ...haha yeah
- Considered religious vocation? ....No
CLOTHES and other fashion
- Current shoe brand? ........Demonia
- Cologne/perfume? ......The only scent on me is baby powder
- Wear hats? ......Beanies when I'm cold
- Judge other people by their clothing? ....Clothes are clothes, but a boy in a suit does make me purrr
- Wear make-up? .....Yes
- Favorite place to shop? ..... http://www.threewisheslingerie.com/index.htm
- Favorite article of clothing? ....My denim coat, it's a one of a kind and fits my personality well
- Are you trendy? ....sometimes without being aware of it
- Would you rather wear a uniform to school? ....what kind of uniform..like a sexy one..hell yeah!
- Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? ....Yes
- Who is your best friend? ....That's not fair..I have 3. Keith & Lacy in my town and of course Jeff.
- Who's the one person that knows most about you? ....One of the above or all of them.
- What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? ....Age is a state of mind not a number.
- Thing you're picked on most about? .... how much I smoke
- Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? .....No
- Do you remember your first love? .....Yes
- Still love him/her? .....Yes
- Do you consider love a mistake? ....No
- What do you find romantic? ....Breakfast in bed
- Turn-on? ....to much to list
- Turn-off? ....stupidity or ppl that get to obnoxious
- First kiss? .....15
- If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? ....umm, ok cause I would just tell them I'm not interested.
- Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? ....Hell yes humor & brains surpass looks
- Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? ....So they say
- What is best about the opposite sex? ....They don't worry as much as girls do..I love that.
- What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? ....When they feel the need to be macho..I can't stand that crap
- Do you read porn? ....Yes
- Read the articles? .....Sometimes
- Just the pics? ....Sometimes
- What's the last present someone gave you? ....my promotion team in London sent me an elephant stuffed animal last week, it's so cute.
- Are you in love? ....Uh Huh
- What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? ..... First off why am I in the street..ok, I would smile and say hello..but I do that to everyone almost.
- What do you dislike most? ....Ignorant ppl
- You wanted to kill? .... I'm not saying
- That you laughed at? ....... Max_Beta
- That laughed at you? ...... Max_Beta
- That turned you on? ..... pocketrocket
- You went shopping with? ..... CV
- That broke your heart? ....Kip
- To disappoint you? .....my mom
- To ask you out? ....... If someone saying you have a nice ass and come stay with me counts then lotusman hehe
- To make you cry? ...pocketrocket but in that good way
- To brighten up your day? ....pocketrocket
- That you thought about? .... CV ..he just woke up
- You talked to on the phone? ... pocketrocket
- You kissed?..... CV ..it was a peck good-night
- You talked to through IM/ICQ? ..... seano007
- You saw? .....CV
- You lost? .... huh? Im not sure I understand the question
- You went head over heels for?.... pocketrocket
- You wanted to be? ....I don't think about stuff like that
- You told to fuck off? .....Kayla
- You trusted? .... I trust a lot of ppl with different things
- You turned down? .... hmm
- Smiled? ......about an hour ago before I got a headache
- Laughed? ....ditto
- Cried? .... Last night Jeff told me something sweet
- Danced? ... Today
- Were sarcastic? .....I think I am often
- Kissed someone? ......last night when CV gave me a peck good-night
- Talked to an ex? .....last week
- Had a nightmare? ....last night
- Talked on the phone? ....earlier today
- Listened to the radio? .......earlier today but just for a bit
- Watched TV? ........tonight
- Went out? ..........today with CV to freeze our butts off
- Were mean? ......umm, I'm nice 99% of the time
- Sang? ......in the shower
- Saw a movie? .........will soon
- Said "I love you"? .... today, because I love you guys..hehe
- Missed someone? ....always
- Fought with a family member? ....the other day
- Had a serious conversation? ...serious how...
- Smoked weed? ....been a couple years
- Got drunk? ....about a week ago
Damn that thing took me forever to do.
seano007, I'll call you tomorrow sweetie! max_beta Atari & driving tanks!
I'm going to watch Battle Royale 2 with CV and take some head medicine. I've been feeling so drained. I'll message you later pocketrocket
you boys & girls..feel free to ramble away.
I found a
in my pocket for you.
A few things you didnt know about Lunna:
- Straight/gay/bi? ........bi
- Single? ..........Yes, I do have a single out haha.
- Want to be? ..........

- Your birth date: ...........9-22-79
- Your age: ..............24
- Age you act: ............sometimes 40, sometimes 5
- Age you wish you were: .....blah who cares
- Your height: .......5'3
- The color of your eyes: Hazel
- Happy with them? ........Yeah,they work
- The color of your hair: .......Black
- Happy with it? .............Yes
- Left/right/ambidextrous? .......no comment
- Your living arrangement? ......Live with my best friend who's a guy.
- Your family: ..........Same town, Chicago & Indy
- Have any pets? ...........4 cats
- What's your job: .......Singer & Make clothes
- Piercings? ...............just 2 standard in ears
- Tattoos? ...................butterfly wings on back/shoulder area
- Addictions? ............Smoking & Maybe sex
- Do you speak another language? ....Learning Italian
- Have a favorite quote? ...."Ditto hot bunny"
- Do you have a webpage? .......Yes and the link is on this page.
DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
- Do you live in the moment? ......Sometimes
- Do you consider yourself tolerant of others? ......yes,unless they are really annoying
- Do you have any secrets? .....Of Course
- Do you hate yourself? .......What a silly question..no
- Do you like your handwriting? ....Yes
- Do you have any bad habits? ......smoking
- What is the compliment you get most from people? ....Nice ass haha
- If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called? ......Why is The Neverending Story taken when I need it.
- What's your biggest fear? .....Drownding
- Can you sing? ......Yes
- Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? .......You mean I'm not cool?haha
- Are you a loner? ....Nope
- What are your no. 1 priorities in life? ...Work hard to relax later
- If you were another person, would you be friends with you? ....Weird question
- Are you a daredevil? ....I don't think so since that makes me think of ppl who risk their life.
- Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? ....Just the usual girly pickiness you know.
- Are you passive or aggressive? ....Aggressive still waiting for that boy who will spank me so I can be passive.
- Have you got a journal? ....well, where do you think you are???
- What is your greatest strength and weakness? ....My ambition &...my niceness..some ppl take advantage of that.
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? ....Not having to wear contacts or glasses
- There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity. You can only drink out of one....Creativity, the mind is sexier then anything else.
- How do you vent? ....Complain for about 10 minutes then I'm over it.
- Do you think you are emotionally strong? ....Hmm, what time of the month are we talking about? haha
- Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? ....I live my life so I will not regret
- Do you think life has been good so far? .....What hasn't been good has all been re-paid. :

- What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? ....That helping others is the biggest reward
- What do you like the most about your body? ....My lips
- And least? ....my broad shoulders
- Do you think you are good looking? ... I think I'm a cute naughty little girl..teehee
- Are you confident? .... I can be
- What is the fictional character you're most like? ....Miette
- Do people know how you feel? ....Yes always
- Are you perceived wrongly? ....Yeah,sometimes ppl think my flirtiness makes me a big slut. haha
- Smoke? ............Yes
- Do drugs? .........No
- Read the newspaper? ....Yes
- Pray? ......No
- Go to church? ....No
- Talk to strangers who IM you? ....No, I have to somewhat know you first
- Sleep with stuffed animals? ....My dog stuffed animal sleeps between my boobs every night.
- Take walks in the rain? ....Not alone
- Talk to people even though you hate them? ....No
- Drive? .........No
- Like to drive fast? .....

- Liked your voice? ..........Yes
- Hurt yourself? ........Yes, in the past
- Been out of the country? ...Yes, to Canada only though
- Eaten something that made other people sick? ...No
- Had sex? .....Yes
- Been unfaithful? ....Yes, but I was in the middle of ending the relationship so we both were
- Been in love? ....Yes
- Done drugs? ....Yes
- Gone skinny dipping? ....Hell Yes
- Had a medical emergency? ....Yes
- Had a surgery? ......Yes
- Ran away from home? .....No
- Played strip poker? ....Yes
- Gotten beaten up? ......No
- Beaten someone up? ....Yes
- Been picked on? .....Yes
- Been on stage? .....Yes
- Slept outdoors? .......Yes
- Thought about suicide? ....Yes, I was 12
- Pulled an all-nighter? ....Yes
- Gone one day without food? .....Yes
- Talked on the phone all night? ....Yes
- Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex first(moms and daddy's don't count)? ..................Yes, with my gay guy friends
- Slept all day? .........No
- Made out with a stranger? .....No
- Had sex with a stranger? ............No
- Thought you're going crazy? ...Not for real
- Kissed the same sex? .....Yes
- Been betrayed? ....Yes
- Broken the law? ....No
- Have you ever killed an animal by accident? ......No
- On purpose? ....God NO
- Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell? ......Only when it is for someone's own good
- Stolen anything? .......No
- Been on radio/TV? ......Yes
- Been in a mosh-pit? .........Yes
- Had a nervous breakdown? ...haha yeah
- Considered religious vocation? ....No
CLOTHES and other fashion
- Current shoe brand? ........Demonia
- Cologne/perfume? ......The only scent on me is baby powder
- Wear hats? ......Beanies when I'm cold
- Judge other people by their clothing? ....Clothes are clothes, but a boy in a suit does make me purrr
- Wear make-up? .....Yes
- Favorite place to shop? ..... http://www.threewisheslingerie.com/index.htm
- Favorite article of clothing? ....My denim coat, it's a one of a kind and fits my personality well
- Are you trendy? ....sometimes without being aware of it
- Would you rather wear a uniform to school? ....what kind of uniform..like a sexy one..hell yeah!
- Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? ....Yes
- Who is your best friend? ....That's not fair..I have 3. Keith & Lacy in my town and of course Jeff.
- Who's the one person that knows most about you? ....One of the above or all of them.
- What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? ....Age is a state of mind not a number.
- Thing you're picked on most about? .... how much I smoke
- Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? .....No
- Do you remember your first love? .....Yes
- Still love him/her? .....Yes
- Do you consider love a mistake? ....No
- What do you find romantic? ....Breakfast in bed
- Turn-on? ....to much to list
- Turn-off? ....stupidity or ppl that get to obnoxious
- First kiss? .....15
- If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? ....umm, ok cause I would just tell them I'm not interested.
- Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? ....Hell yes humor & brains surpass looks
- Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? ....So they say
- What is best about the opposite sex? ....They don't worry as much as girls do..I love that.
- What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? ....When they feel the need to be macho..I can't stand that crap
- Do you read porn? ....Yes
- Read the articles? .....Sometimes
- Just the pics? ....Sometimes
- What's the last present someone gave you? ....my promotion team in London sent me an elephant stuffed animal last week, it's so cute.
- Are you in love? ....Uh Huh

- What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? ..... First off why am I in the street..ok, I would smile and say hello..but I do that to everyone almost.
- What do you dislike most? ....Ignorant ppl
- You wanted to kill? .... I'm not saying
- That you laughed at? ....... Max_Beta
- That laughed at you? ...... Max_Beta
- That turned you on? ..... pocketrocket
- You went shopping with? ..... CV
- That broke your heart? ....Kip
- To disappoint you? .....my mom
- To ask you out? ....... If someone saying you have a nice ass and come stay with me counts then lotusman hehe
- To make you cry? ...pocketrocket but in that good way
- To brighten up your day? ....pocketrocket
- That you thought about? .... CV ..he just woke up
- You talked to on the phone? ... pocketrocket
- You kissed?..... CV ..it was a peck good-night
- You talked to through IM/ICQ? ..... seano007
- You saw? .....CV
- You lost? .... huh? Im not sure I understand the question
- You went head over heels for?.... pocketrocket
- You wanted to be? ....I don't think about stuff like that
- You told to fuck off? .....Kayla
- You trusted? .... I trust a lot of ppl with different things
- You turned down? .... hmm
- Smiled? ......about an hour ago before I got a headache
- Laughed? ....ditto
- Cried? .... Last night Jeff told me something sweet
- Danced? ... Today
- Were sarcastic? .....I think I am often
- Kissed someone? ......last night when CV gave me a peck good-night
- Talked to an ex? .....last week
- Had a nightmare? ....last night
- Talked on the phone? ....earlier today
- Listened to the radio? .......earlier today but just for a bit
- Watched TV? ........tonight
- Went out? ..........today with CV to freeze our butts off
- Were mean? ......umm, I'm nice 99% of the time
- Sang? ......in the shower
- Saw a movie? .........will soon
- Said "I love you"? .... today, because I love you guys..hehe
- Missed someone? ....always
- Fought with a family member? ....the other day
- Had a serious conversation? ...serious how...

- Smoked weed? ....been a couple years
- Got drunk? ....about a week ago
Damn that thing took me forever to do.
seano007, I'll call you tomorrow sweetie! max_beta Atari & driving tanks!


I found a

okay...the monkey can stay. but he doesn't get to participate!

Sorry babe
I only read like 1/10th of that. I just dnt have that kindo time haha. I'll read it though. You facinate me