I heard that it's going to start snowing tomorrow afternoon and by Monday we are supposed to have about 20 inches of snow!
My brother just gave me Space Ghost & Battle Royale 2 to watch woohoo! Good movies to be snowed in by and my fridge is stocked up so let it snow let it snow. I did mention that everything will of course shut down with that much snow right? pocketrocket there aren't enough words for how sweet you are.
I went a cutting again today! Scissor Happy!
I'm so glad that Gir is back on the site! I've had a great time talking to all of you lovely boys & girls.
lotusman thank you for your email of which made me blush over & over. You are so sweet.
Great idea for the day goes to eeek_the_kat for his Monitor Protection Force shown below. I need more stuffed animals that are small enough to fit on my monitor. Eek you rock!
No questions today kids. Just feel free to babble about whatever you want.
I found this in my pocket for you.

I went a cutting again today! Scissor Happy!


I'm so glad that Gir is back on the site! I've had a great time talking to all of you lovely boys & girls.

lotusman thank you for your email of which made me blush over & over. You are so sweet.

Great idea for the day goes to eeek_the_kat for his Monitor Protection Force shown below. I need more stuffed animals that are small enough to fit on my monitor. Eek you rock!

No questions today kids. Just feel free to babble about whatever you want.

I found this in my pocket for you.

I'm in the monkey gang! Woooooohoooo!
I have been really behind on my SG browsings and writings. This weekend really sucked. My parents divorce trail starts Monday, so you know, nuff said.
Those pictures of you sure cheered me up though!
Hmmmmmm, sexy pictures...
I'll post more soon, good luck with the snow!