Getting out of the shower last night I realized I should stop debating cutting my hair and just do it. (Check out my new picture I added). I can say..I am so glad I did. I love it. And hey,now I will only have to buy 1 box of diy instead of 2. Yah! Other good news. I got my playboys back woohoo,except most of the pictures of girls are bugging me with their fake boobies and tan skin. So I scanned the articles and oh well. Maybe I will make a collage out of them today.
Ok, now I'm feeling all girly and want to have a girly sleepover with all of my sg girls. Mmm Raspberry margaritas mm and Fancy,Taime and I can make blueberry muffins. Jade & Lush can bring the whips and toys. Az can bring the bottle for spin the bottle. And Priss will make everyone smile with her beautiful smile and charm.hehe.
Oh, I can't leave the boys out ok.
The Hot SG Boy List of Mine(in no order)
bean-the all around nice cute guy
boyamihardcore-the brit looking hottie who is always bringing up funny weird things in chat
coushti-very nice and cute
Dillenger-he's a musicsian hottie what can I say
GarbagePailKid-yes,we all know he is taken but he's nice as hell
GIR-cutie with the best journals.Always making me think of weird things and questions.
MisterEel-Hottie with a doggy and damn I love talking to this boy.
pocketrocket-carries himself like no one else. Smart as hell and have you seen his SB set..Yeah.
seano007-isn't around to talk to that much but he is so nice and cute.
sunburntkamel-If you have seen this boy on cam then yes I am sure most will agree..hottie
thamightysaje1-cute tattood skater boy.
I would also like to say that there are so many nice and cute people on SG. I'm sure I will be making some more lists in the future.
I You guys and found this from me to you
Ok, now I'll quit being a mushy love and get onto some questions for ya.
1.Who else is hot that isn't on my boys list?
2.What are you doing for new years?
3.What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?Style and colors etc.
4.In a fight would the or the win?
5.What smile icon do you like the least?
6. Share something that we don't know.
1. ???
2. No plans yet,but I am sure I will be thinking of kissing someone when I'm not.
3.Black satin bikini style
6. When I was 7 I was on the bozo show in my little brownie uniform. They talked to me for like 5 minutes and it actually was on the damn show. Me talking about how much I hate cleaning
Ok, now I'm feeling all girly and want to have a girly sleepover with all of my sg girls. Mmm Raspberry margaritas mm and Fancy,Taime and I can make blueberry muffins. Jade & Lush can bring the whips and toys. Az can bring the bottle for spin the bottle. And Priss will make everyone smile with her beautiful smile and charm.hehe.
Oh, I can't leave the boys out ok.
The Hot SG Boy List of Mine(in no order)
bean-the all around nice cute guy
boyamihardcore-the brit looking hottie who is always bringing up funny weird things in chat
coushti-very nice and cute
Dillenger-he's a musicsian hottie what can I say
GarbagePailKid-yes,we all know he is taken but he's nice as hell
GIR-cutie with the best journals.Always making me think of weird things and questions.
MisterEel-Hottie with a doggy and damn I love talking to this boy.
pocketrocket-carries himself like no one else. Smart as hell and have you seen his SB set..Yeah.
seano007-isn't around to talk to that much but he is so nice and cute.
sunburntkamel-If you have seen this boy on cam then yes I am sure most will agree..hottie
thamightysaje1-cute tattood skater boy.
I would also like to say that there are so many nice and cute people on SG. I'm sure I will be making some more lists in the future.
I You guys and found this from me to you
Ok, now I'll quit being a mushy love and get onto some questions for ya.
1.Who else is hot that isn't on my boys list?
2.What are you doing for new years?
3.What kind of underwear are you wearing right now?Style and colors etc.
4.In a fight would the or the win?
5.What smile icon do you like the least?
6. Share something that we don't know.
1. ???
2. No plans yet,but I am sure I will be thinking of kissing someone when I'm not.
3.Black satin bikini style
6. When I was 7 I was on the bozo show in my little brownie uniform. They talked to me for like 5 minutes and it actually was on the damn show. Me talking about how much I hate cleaning