A day of utter mundane and flakedomness (that shoud be a word) intersperced by my need to reach out a little into SG, now full..and then some.
I think going to open a book..yes..I think its going to happen! Was reading choke but I dunno I feel Chuck is a tad bit too aware of his own skills and thus makes the read more a process of reading a good writer than reading about his characters as engrossing as they are. So a mate handed me Snow Crash and said I was an ass 4 not reading it, yet having read all of William Gibson's
so I think thats where I'm heading...oh and yes..can you say TECATEEEE! The PBR of Mehico!!
I think going to open a book..yes..I think its going to happen! Was reading choke but I dunno I feel Chuck is a tad bit too aware of his own skills and thus makes the read more a process of reading a good writer than reading about his characters as engrossing as they are. So a mate handed me Snow Crash and said I was an ass 4 not reading it, yet having read all of William Gibson's

[Edited on Jan 10, 2003]