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worst fucking year of my life.
Here's to a better year for everyone.

older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.
The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.
Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into Endless Night. During the journey he would stand...
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But we have a big, well-paying Hallowe'en gig at a fraternity at University of Florida in nearby Gainesville. One of them saw us when we filled in for another band at that minute and for some reason, even after hearing us, still want to pay us a to play! We're rehearsing the entire Rocky Horror soundtrack and a multi-song extended jam sandwiched in the midst of the old Donovan song Season of the Witch (only much more electric than the original), and the Neil Young song Vampire Blues, which is doubly significant with both Hallowe'en and in light of the Middle East/oil/energy crises. Interestingly enough, he only performed it once, with the Eagles as his backup group in 1974
As for the rest of our show, I'm practicing a guitar part for Black Magic Woman, we may do a set of "Moon" songs, probably also Werewolves of London, and perhaps some old standards, like That Old Black Magic nd Witchcraft.
Hell, for the money they want to pay us for 3 hours, it'll be hard to limit ourselves, as we pull shit out our asses all through the show. I never like to play by a setlist (except in cases like playing the whole Rocky Horror soundtrack - which we may do acoustic)
Well, anyway, just thinking of you during this changing of seasons (although we don't have quite the dramatic seasnal changes here - one of the things I miss about living up North)

Save for a few licks of a lollipop his mamma gave him. Spoiled brat.
I'm not really digging this fall though.
It may sound dumb, but mostly I hate...
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I wish you all the very best.
Well, just checking friends' journals (I still can't bring myself to call them blogs). Nice to see you back.
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Wish I could say things have been getting better, but everything is still pretty out of wack. It's kind of like a raod march, just keep putting one foot in front of the other until its done. Only, if life were a 12 mile march I'd be somewhere around mile 4...and I'm already almost out...
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Still, glad you checked in!
I hope you two can focus on and celebrate the fun and Love shared.
Edited for bad typing
I want to burn it all the the ground. Anyone in?
Fuck fucking Massachusetts fucking red tape.
Her grave marker was placed today....I don't even have words for it.
I've been trying really hard to be a better person, but I'm still pretty unstable...
...make that horribly unstable.
Sorry I haven't been around for comments and such, no net at the new place...
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i hope you manage everyday without an assault charge and all the love you can manage.
Thank you.
Take care of yourself over there, Brother.