Driving the shuttle around in circles today. Around and around and aroundFuck it. At least I get paid. And I get to do some of my shopping.
Im here in goodol Poultney for Turkey break. Shouldnt be too bad except for the 15 page paper Im supposed to be writing and that I should get done over the break but probably wont happen because I...
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Yeah, Dolph does pack a mean punch.

I just recently had the same Shirley Manson rerealization.

Something about redheads, I tell ya...
OKthis site is distracting me from my work.
Ok, it isnt just recently but every time I sit in front of the computer.
But I cant help myself. Beautiful womenmmmmmm.
Me no want work on 15 page paper. No, no, no.
Ergback to work.
Went for a night dive Saturday night. Bad ass! Very cool.
Instead of driving all the way back to campus a bunch of us just stayed in a hotel that night. Hot boxed the bathroom with this huge fucking blunt. It was good. The room was so thick of smoke that a bunch of people bounced out cuz they were complaining they couldnt breath. Ill...
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Received my certification for Open Water SCUBA todayyeah, Im happy.
Come home, place my water bottle on the counter knocking over my french press and it breaks. It didnt fall off the table just tipped over. I carried this mother fucking thing all over Southern California wrapped in a little piece of bubble wrap, crammed in a backpack, all fucking summer long and now it...
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Well, my job for the company SOAR is going pretty well. Ive been working here for almost two months and have yet to start my session. The first two weeks was training in NC; it blew. The same old shit you hear every time you work at a new campblah, blah, blah. About 1/5 of the stuff was new and it was all paperwork and...
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OK, two weeks of staff trainingover.
Two weeks of looking busyalmost over.
Flying to CA on Monday, Woot!
Two more weeks of trainingBoo.
Paying me to learn how to surfDouble Woot!

I dont think this training is going to be at all boring. Just gonna basically do everything we do with the kids. Go the places we will be going, blah, blah, blah. I am...
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Very cool, school is finally over and I passed all my classes with grades better than I should probably have. No complaints here.

Broke up with the girlfriend, but we knew that was coming so it sucked but not as much as it normally would, ya know? We are both bad with long distance relationships. I guess it is good we admit that and didnt...
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Today is April 20th.


It's been very sunny and nice all week. Today it is cloudy and gray.

Just have to Puff indoors... But I've been puffing in doors all winter!! ... I want to go outside today of all days.

What am I complaining about. I slept through half the day.

Took some pictures of a beautiful woman. Lost the sun for a bit but it peeked back out towards the end. Got some great shots. Im happy with at least 2/3s of them. She seemed to like most of them so thats great.

Man, the weather was great today! I am sooooo very much looking forward to getting outta here and...
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The travel book does count as a journal, i would think.