It's crohns and colitis awareness week which I always get massively behind promoting as I love to spread awareness of these awful diseases! Here's my story :
Crohns has been part of my mums life since the age of 15 where she nearly died getting to 4 and a half stone before being diagnosed!
Having a Mum who is so poorly made me grow up fast as at age 12 I was her carer.
She's had multiple operations but crohns has no cure! Which is why funding and awareness is key to discover a cure!
If you where wondering what it is, to put it in basic terms, you're blood cells that fight off germs etc think you permently have germs and fight against them all the time, so my mums blood cells are constantly attacking her bowel which causes it to be inflamed and eventually had to be cut out as it closes up, which can easily spread to other parts.
Crohns can affect from your mouth all the way to the very end of your bowels. Colitis affects the large bowel only.
They are both debilitating, as can make normal life very difficult. Sadly my mum sees people loosing there struggle with Crohns daily as there are so many compilations and other conditions that Come with it.
What I want you to all remember is never judge a book by its cover, As many, my mum doesn't look sick but she is!
Sorry for rambling but my mum means everything, I just wish she could be cured 💕