1. I was born and bred in Johannesburg, South Africa. Apartheid was abolished as I started school and I was the first generation of kids to go to a black and white mixed school.
2. When I first joined SG I had zero tattoo's and now I have about 8. ;)
3. I am 100% obsessed with Harry Potter, I have probably read the books about 10 times.
4. I have 2 cats and 2 dogs, when I was younger I wanted to be a vet or an astronaut but I studied Fine Arts and now I am paid to write things.
5. I am a National Cheerleader and have been doing the sport for about 3 years.
6. My favourite food is cheese because cheese is life.
7. I met my best friend on this site @tarion
8. My biggest fear is talking on the phone, so much that I break into a cold sweat.
9. I have a deep love of everything American, I often have a nostalgia for an American childhood that I never had. My dream is to live there.
10. I am tiny, even if I described to you how tiny I am I don't think this would do it justice.