I think I'm a little late but I really wanted to contribute to the favourite artists @bloghomework set by @rambo and @missy
There are a few artists that give me that excited feeling in my stomach. This blog has the potential to be an essay because I never get tired of looking at beautiful things but I have tried to narrow it down to just 3.
I have loved Mark Ryden since I stumbled on his art a few years ago. I love his strange, sad, weird girls.
Little beautiful fucked up dollies.
The Snow Yak show is my ultimate of his collections.
Another woman I feel completely in love with is Audrey Kawasaki. Her subject is also girls but they are wonderfully sexualised. I love the flow of her pictures and her use of negative space.
My most recent tattoo is based off one of my favourite pictures of hers.
The last artist that I can never stop looking at is Jen Lobo, she makes these fantastic soft animal paintings.
The bear on my leg is a tribute to her bear which I adore. The kind eyes.
I will be doing a stream on the Suicidegirls periscope app this Tuesday at 12pm PST, join me if you would like to chat. xxx