Sometimes it's easier to write blogs about boobs and kittens and adventures and sometimes it's near impossible. I'm sitting here trying to collect my thoughts on the past few days and mostly all I can gather is tears. Not a very helpful solution. This week has seen horrific human on human xenophobic crimes in my country. It takes a strong stomach to see the photos and read the stories, the youngest victim being a 14 year old boy, his crime, being foreign. It's easy to be disgusted by these actions but they point to a much larger problem. a majority of my country are miserable, unemployed and frustrated and the president is silent. Our country is already stained with the blood of it's people. Do we really need to add more? I don't know how to fix these cracks but we are failing so epically as humans right now. This article I found to be particularly well written regarding everything that is happening. We are all foreigners somewhere.