Some of you might know this story, for others it will be the first time. Our @bloghomework was to talk about an experience or friendship we have made through Suicidegirls.
I will ever be grateful for joining this site because it brought with a friendship that I know will last a lifetime.
Shortly after I shot my first set, circumstances allowed for me to accompany @talamia and @tarion on a shooting trip to Cape Town. I was infinitely nervous, I’m naturally shy and the idea of a holiday with just acquaintances scared me. Not long after arriving this fear was put to bed. I hit it off instantly with @tarion and @talamia and You know when you meet someone and just realise that your souls are speaking the same language, that is what happened with us. I now consider Tarion one of my best friends, she’s looked after me in hard times, laughed (a lot), taken me on girl dates to watch Twilight and ultimately been that person who will never judge me not matter what dodgy things I say.
Our recent adventure happened a few Saturdays ago, we were at @talamia and had been drinking a little (too much) Now Talamia has a slide that goes into her pool and at about 10pm I decided that we needed to go down this slide. NEEDED. But we had no costumes and were in company. My next logical thought was to fashion costumes out of plastic bags because they are kind of body shaped right? I put the idea to Tarion who without a hesitation agreed (I don’t know if it was the alcohol or because she’s just as loopy as me but somehow wearing plastic bags became a reality) Anyway turns out our bodies are too long for said bags but we improvised. Cut them in half and wore plastic bags bikinis instead. And we went down the slide, and it was the best night of our lives.
Sometimes I think life puts you exactly where you need to be and I think Suicidegirls did that for me and @tarion . She filled a gap in my heart that was missing at the time and she’s never left it.