It's June already! That's exciting for 3 reasons, 1 it's my BIRTHDAY on the 12th, 2 NEW SET on the 20th and 3 I'm getting my leg tattoo finished!!!
I had another session last month and finished my bear but then I added flowers.. it's never ending, feels like I'm collecting a little forest on my thigh, doesn't bother me though other than the wait.
One of my favourites had her birthday yesterday. Good times. I've kind of been in a slump lately but I've decided life is too bloody short for any of that so I went out and was awesome..
She had the most amazing birthday cake which gave birth to BABY panda's, pretty exciting, that just reminded me that I dreamt I was a game ranger and was feeding all the baby animals polystyrene like a nut job, probably an indication of my looking after skills. Been having some wildly detailed dreams lately, I love it, last night I was in this moss filled green jungle on a cliff overhanging a lake and I had to jump off it in order to have an adventure, it makes me happy that it could be real and was real for how ever many seconds in my head.
Anyway I've been trying hard to find excuses to be dressed up, turns out it's easier than I thought, went as a mermaid to work last week, so much glitter I was visible from space!
So as you know City of Gold will be coming down soon so this is a last warning if anyone wants to save some photo's, I will put a folder up with a few of my favourites
I leave you with this sneaky sneaky photo someone took of me..
Until next time
Love Lunar
I had another session last month and finished my bear but then I added flowers.. it's never ending, feels like I'm collecting a little forest on my thigh, doesn't bother me though other than the wait.

One of my favourites had her birthday yesterday. Good times. I've kind of been in a slump lately but I've decided life is too bloody short for any of that so I went out and was awesome..

She had the most amazing birthday cake which gave birth to BABY panda's, pretty exciting, that just reminded me that I dreamt I was a game ranger and was feeding all the baby animals polystyrene like a nut job, probably an indication of my looking after skills. Been having some wildly detailed dreams lately, I love it, last night I was in this moss filled green jungle on a cliff overhanging a lake and I had to jump off it in order to have an adventure, it makes me happy that it could be real and was real for how ever many seconds in my head.

Anyway I've been trying hard to find excuses to be dressed up, turns out it's easier than I thought, went as a mermaid to work last week, so much glitter I was visible from space!

So as you know City of Gold will be coming down soon so this is a last warning if anyone wants to save some photo's, I will put a folder up with a few of my favourites

I leave you with this sneaky sneaky photo someone took of me..

Until next time
Love Lunar
People have definitely taken advantage of how giving I am. I just need to be more picky about who I give my time and efforts to. Some people are just lame.