I feel the world is experiencing a severe case of archive fever, as I become more amongst social media, I'm increasingly aware of how humans seem to have a burning desire to preserve in some way, their memories. I found this blog which has had the energy and drive to succinctly sum up what I am trying to describe. The notion of archive fever is Derridean concept I first came aware of whilst studying and it's always fascinated me.
This blog is quite a beautiful example of the need for archive. The writer had written it pre-death and posted post-death, it's really touching to read.
The internet is a pretty glorious place where you can find things of wonderful meaning or you can just look at a picture of a lamb puking..
Well SG land, that's all from my brain at the moment, sorry for the quiet spell, I will try find myself on here more often and I will go to gym and paint a picture and bake a cake. K Bye.
This blog is quite a beautiful example of the need for archive. The writer had written it pre-death and posted post-death, it's really touching to read.
The internet is a pretty glorious place where you can find things of wonderful meaning or you can just look at a picture of a lamb puking..

Well SG land, that's all from my brain at the moment, sorry for the quiet spell, I will try find myself on here more often and I will go to gym and paint a picture and bake a cake. K Bye.
That lamb looks so happy though. 

Or, you could read about robots that puke for science. If we must have puke, let it be for science.